Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4-

*Jack's POV*
We got to the gym right as the bell rang and shortly students started piling into the bleachers and I had no time to find my new friend.
"Dude where the fuck were you? We had to do sound check without you." Alex whisper-shouted while who I assumed was the principal rambled on and on about how special their school was to have this opportunity.. Blah blah blah.
" Sorry 'lex. Met a fan." I whispered back, pretending to brush it off like it didn't matter and that she wasn't spiraling through my thoughts without there ever seeming to be an end.
"... And now, here's All Time Low!" The principal shouted with the fakest sounding enthusiasm I've ever heard. (He obviously isn't too stoked about this. Probably thinks we're gonna injure someone and then he's gonna have a lawsuit. I mean there was this one time but...) I tried to focus on the intro to Damned If I Do Ya but it was hard when all I could really think about was the girl's blue hair and freckles. I suddenly had an idea to try and find her in the crowd, but realized how big of a school Sawsee really is when I couldn't see past the first 4 rows of students. (I will find her. I'm determined.)
We continued through the set and soon everyone started spacing out and texting and whatever so me and Alex started having a little fun. He started climbing on Rian's drums and I jumped on Zack's back, hoping to possibly find some blue hair. The principal didn't even notice so we walked toward the audience, which was actually about 3 kids still somewhat paying attention, at least that we could see. We got bored and so we started spinning around in circles, me on Zack's back, and started walking back toward the "stage" when we heard a loud thud and I feel from his shoulders. Barely managing to not fall on my head, I landed and looked down to discover what we had hit. All I could see was a mound of blue hair and a lot of blood. I froze. "Someone call an ambulance!"

Whatcha think? Still sucks doesn't it? xD idek, I really suck at my length.. It looks so long but then it's so short ahh balls. But yeah. Hopefully it's getting a bit better and you don't hate me¿
Ilysm if you're somehow managing to read this <333

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