Chapter 5-

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Chapter 5:

Jacks POV:

"Dude just calm down, the doctor said she'll be fine" Alex sat on the ground in the hospital's hallway, watching me pace back and forth ready to tear the place up if I had to wait any long to see the girl we hit, who's name I later found out to be Megan, curtesy of her mom who had went home to eat dinner less than 5 minutes ago.
"She's awake, you gentlemen may go see her," a nurse told us. I sped past the nurse, by even looking to see if Alex had followed me, and found myself next to Megan, looking her over to asses the damage. My damage. My fault. It was because of me this had happened to her. I wanted to cry. And so that's exactly what I did.
She looked up at me and gave a slight smile.
"Hey," I whispered, stopping a tear from escaping my eye. "How ya feelin? Zack and Rian wanted to come too but they had to handle things at your school."
She yawned and then shrugged. "Tell them it's alright haha, and that I'm sorry for the trouble. As for me, well shitty because I got smacked in the head with a bass, but now that you're here, probably better than ever and my head on collision doesn't even phase me anymore. Hah, I actually hit an All Time Low," she smirked at us.
I laughed at her New Found Glory reference but then again remembered that if it weren't for me, She wouldn't be here. "Fuck," I muttered under my breath, "Megan, I'm so sorry about this! I really screwed up and it shouldn't have happened and you should be at school not here in a hospital with a concussion and stitches and I'm really sorry and I feel so bad." I stammered out, way too quickly.
She wiggled a little and then reached out, gesturing for me to hug her.
She pulled me close and whispered, "look, jack, yeah you put me in a hospital, but also if it weren't for you and your band's music, I wouldn't be here at all.." I understood what she meant and I just wanted to hug her even longer. I wanted everything to be okay for her. How could I make her feel better?
"I'll make you a deal," I said, holding out my pinky, glancing at Alex to my left,"You pinky-promise me you'll stay strong and be safe, and me and Alex will pinky-promise you tickets to our next show?"
She grinned and held out her finger. "I promise."
I squeezed her tightly once more while a dr told us we had to leave because visiting hours were over.
She pouted and muttered something about being lonely after we left, but perked up when I told her id come back for her the next morning to bring her home.

Megan's POV:

I watched Jack and Alex leave and waved at them as they walked further down the hall. I couldn't believe I hugged jack barakat more than twice in one day. If you told me yesterday that I'd meet my idols and hug one of them the next day i would honestly call you crazy. And if you told me I'd be in the hospital because of one of them, then I'd probably go crazy myself. But I guess people aren't kidding when they say life's full of surprises? I quickly nestled into bed and fell asleep, desperately excited for the next day's events.

Whatcha think? c: comment and/or vote pleasecheese¿?
I'll try to update as often as possible it's just a lot harder than I anticipated because you feel like you're writing 18 pages but then you publish it & it's like -50 pages ahh cx
Anywhore, what are your opinions on this fic so far? Should I even continue I mean? I dunno, let me know pls.
Thank you if you're reading this, I know there's so many better fanfics out there and mine is pretty shitty so far, Idek, just know ilysm if you're giving me a chance haha xx <3

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