Chapter 5: Hiccup's Secrets

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Hiccup's pov:

The storm was still going and I have to stay in bed until my leg is healed completely. It wasn't so bad, my dad keeps me company while the others are busy. Although the one thing that I was hoping for was that Flynn doesn't come into my room again. He really wants to get his hands on my diary but the only one I really trust with my secrets was my dad. He was treating me with the fatherly love that I never got before. I made sure that I placed a magic lock on my diary so that way only me or anyone related.

I was reading one of my books until Flynn came into my room "What do you want?" I asked Flynn. He was acting all innocent but I knew that he wanted my diary but I couldn't stop him from grabbing it. He was about to open it so I springed out of my bed and tackled him "Man you are strong!" said Flynn. Suddenly, Rapunzel, Cass, my dad and Jack came into the room "Flynn, let him go!" shouted Jack. My dad helped me up and kept me close to him "What is going on?" Rapunzel asked.

I told them the truth but then Flynn spilled out some of my secrets, I was almost heartbroken but not before he revealed my biggest secret. I tried to kill myself when I was ten because I had no propess for living "Hiccup, is that true?" asked Jack. I couldn't even look at anyone then everyone else came in "What's going on?" asked Merida. Flynn told them everything and I was furious, my dragon instincts kicked in and I turned into a nightfury. I tried to attack Flynn but I was being held back by the other riders and my dad.

I broke free from their grip and charged at Flynn, ready to attack "Hiccup, stop!" my dad shouted. I looked back at everyone and realized what I was doing then I ran out of the room as quick as I could. All of this pain that I kept inside of me had been coming out 'What have I done.' I thought. I ran to the one room that I felt safe in, there was a music room at the far end of the hall. There I could easily be myself in there and inside was a piano that I could play just for me.

Rapunzel's pov:

I have never seen Eugene act like this or Hiccup getting so angry "Why did you do that Eugene?" I asked. He just looked at me as if I was stone, I felt like I knew that stare somewhere before but I couldn't. That was when I realized that Flynn would never be cruel to Hiccup, he did tell me that he always thought of Hiccup as a little brother. I asked him to do his smolder but failed at it "You're not Eugene! Who are you really?!" I shouted then raised my flying pan. The fake Eugene had a crystal that changed him into his true form which was none other than Kuzco.

"I should have known." said Merida. We knew Kuzco hated Hiccup and now he was trying to expose his secrets "What did you do to Eugene?" I asked. "Oh don't worry about him. He's fine, but your friend won't be. You see, Maleficent wants Hiccup to give into the darkness. And I figured what better way to get him off the edge would be to tap into his painful past." he explained. We needed to find Hiccup and fast before he gets in too deep. We looked everywhere but he was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, we heard the sounds of a piano playing "Where is it coming from?" asked Viggo. We followed the music to a door at the end of the hall. I opened the door and inside was a beautiful music room and we found Hiccup playing on the piano. He stopped playing when he saw us and tried to run but Viggo stopped him "How long were you all watching me?" he asked. "Long enough to see that you are amazing. Where did you learn how to do that?" asked Fishlegs. "I kind of taught myself. But I'm not that good, I only know one song." he answered.

We asked him to play it but he really didn't want to be embarrassed plus he was already to shy after Kuzco had revealed his secrets. We told him that it was Kuzco who was pretending to be Flynn "But then where's the real Flynn?" he asked. "I'm right here. Kuzco had me locked in a mirror in Hiccup's room. So when Kuzco knocked the desk over I manage to get out." said Flynn who was at the entrance. He told us that he had Kuzco taken care of him "Thanks Flynn." said Hiccup.

"Anytime, plus I would do anything for a friend." said Flynn. I saw Flynn walking over to Hiccup and told him the truth about how he thinks of Hiccup as his younger brother. Hiccup was blushing at the comment and appreciation it "Now are you going to play that song or are we just going to stand here?" he asked. Viggo help Hiccup walk towards the piano and then Hiccup began to play the most beautiful song ever.


Some people long for a life that is simple and planned
Tied with a ribbon
Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land
To follow what's written

But I'd follow you to the great unknown
Off to a world we call our own

Hand in my hand
And we promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope

Never sure, never know how far we could fall
But it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope with you
With you
With you

Mountains and valleys, and all that will come in between
Desert and ocean
You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream
Always in motion

So I risk it all just to be with you
And I risk it all for this life we choose

Hand in my hand
And you promised to never let go
We're walking a tightrope
High in the sky
We can see the whole world down below
We're walking a tightrope

Never sure. Will you catch me if I should fall?
Well, it's all an adventure
That comes with a breathtaking view
Walking a tightrope with you
With you
With you
With you
With you
With you

Most of us were crying from the song while the rest of us were asleep "That was so beautiful Hiccup. I think you made Lance cry." said Cass. Flynn dragged Lance out of the room while the rest of us headed to our rooms.

Hiccup's pov:

I was relieved that my friends didn't hate me and that Kuzco was gone. My dad helped me to my room and even tucked me into bed. I was still nervous that he would be mad at me for not telling him about my dark secret. But he wasn't mad at me but there was a hint of fear in his eyes "Why would you do something like that?" he asked me. I told him the whole truth and I started to get tears in my eyes. My dad cradled me into his arms, wiped my tears away and rocked me slowly while trying to calm me down. 

I started to calm down a little bit in my dad's arms "You are my treasure Hiccup. You mean more to me than anything. I made a promise that I would protect my child from harm and I'm still keeping that promise." he said to me. I felt so safe and warm in my dad's arms soon I felt my eyelids getting heavy and feel asleep while still being in my dad's arms.

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