Chapter 28: Cruella's Revenge

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Sabrina's pov:

I have been to a lot of realms but my favorite was visiting London, my friends Cyd, Shelby, Emma, Zuri, Merida, Addison, and Astrid joined me. The last time I was in London was when Cruella kidnapped 99 dalmatian puppies. Pongo and Perdes fifteen puppies were kidnapped as well but thankful I helped get them back. The other puppies became apart of Anida and Roger's family and they even got a house in the countryside. Most of the puppies got adopted except for Lucky, Patch, Jewel, Rolly, and Pearl who was one of the unnamed puppies. 

I brought Violet along as well, plus anytime we visit the magic turns her into a black German Shepherd. Patch and his siblings met up with us at Chloe Simons home, she was a nice woman who adopted Dipstick, he was apart of the original fifteen. We heard that he and his mate Dottie had three puppies. They were so beautiful, although we just got word that Cruella De Vil was released from prison and now Chloe has to look after her. Things did change for starters, Cruella now works at Second Chance shelter but I know that people like her don't change that fast.

Chloe invited us to help her look after the puppies while she works with Cruella. Dipstick had two sons named Domino and Little Dipper then one girl named Oddball. She doesn't have her spots yet and she very obsess with getting her spots. My gem can also let me talk to animals and so can the other royals. "You think I'll get adopted soon?" Lucky asked me. "Of course you will. You just need the right person." I said. Oddball was so desperate to get her spots that she tried to use ink to make it look like she got them.

Unfortunately, she was sent out the window but thankful we got her back but then Cruella saw me and the other dalmatians. I invited them to dinner at the Edge and even the dogs were invited as well. Chloe was going on a date with Kevin Shepherd, the owner of Second Chance Shelter. I told her that I can look after the pups until she gets back "And I've got a lot of friends that can help." I explained. "Alright. but can you make sure that Oddball is careful and if it's possible maybe give her something that makes her have her S-P-O-T-S?" Chloe asked.

I told her that I know someone who can help with that. Kevin brought over his dogs, Chomp, Digger, Drooler, and Waddlesworth, even though he is a macaw he thinks he is a dog. I introduced everyone to my family and friends. They got along pretty good and Rapunzel even made a small sweater for Oddball. The puppies got along with everyone, even Patch was bonding with my brother and Robin. Chloe and Kevin came back "I guess it went well." Chloe asked. "It did and my friend Rapunzel gave Oddball a spotted sweater," I explained.

The next day, Chloe brought Dottie, Little Dipper, Oddball, Domino, and Dipstick with her "What happened? Where's Kevin?" asked Emma. Chloe explained everything that had happened "I'm telling you that this is Cruella's work. I've known her for a long time." said Dr. Facilier. "Well, we're about to found out. Cruella invited me, Dipstick, Sabrina, Violet, and Patch to her party," she explained. I was getting nervous I mean, Cruella did try to kill Patch and Dipstick when they were puppies then she tried turning my brother and his friends into fashion.

Lucky and the others stayed behind "Make sure that they are alright." said Chloe. We headed to the De Vil house and walked in 'Still looks the same as last time.' I thought. However, it was a trap, Cruella locked me and Chloe inside her fur room. She planned on taking Dipsticks puppies "I hope they're alright." said Chloe.

Hiccup's pov:

I have to admit Lucky and his siblings are fun. Lucky and I did have a lot in common and he did make me feel more relaxed. "Shouldn't they be back by now?" asked Beast Boy. He was right, something was wrong plus Lucky and his siblings rushed through a portal. We followed through but then we saw Chloe, Kevin, Sabrina, and Kevin's dogs "What happened?" I asked. "Cruella took Oddball and her brothers. And now she has Violet, Dipstick, and Patch," said Sabrina. We needed to get them back.

Disneyworks Adventures [Season 2]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora