Chapter 30: Creepy Connie 3: The Creepening

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Sabrina's pov:

I still can't believe that Emma and Zuri invited us to their place for the day, I only hope that Luke didn't try to flirt with me again. I made sure to pack an extra pair of weapons for the trip since the last time that I visited a girl named Connie was obsessed with Luke and me. Robin joined me and my family along with Heather, Dagur, and Harley. "So you're bringing your gear just to keep some crazy girl of your back?" Hiccup asked. "Yes, and she thinks of me as her sister when I'd rather kiss a lizard," I said.

By the time we were in Central Park, I saw Luke with Jewel the dalmatian that Emma and Zuri adopted. I called out to him and he was really happy to see me "Glad you came for a visit. And don't worry about Connie. She's in boarding school so we won't be seeing her for a while." he explained. I was so relieved to hear that Connie was gone, Emma and Zuri spotted me and tackled me in a hug "Take it easy on her. She needs to breath." said Harley. They let go of me and I was able to get up.

However, we got a very unusual surprise visit from Creepy Connie who had come out of hiding "Hey guys!" she shouted in her creepy voice. Both me and Luke were shocked to see her, she wanted to talk to us but we grabbed everyone and ran to the penthouse. "Woah! This is your place?! It looks more like a palace!" said Hiccup. The three Ross siblings blushed then their other brother Ravi came downstairs with their nanny Jessie. I introduced them to my family and friends and my fiance.

"I still can't believe Creepy Connie is back from boarding school," said Luke. "I can't believe that's the girl who's obsessed with you," said Harley. Ravi used to date Connie and that sort of went well until they broke up. I even told them everything that Connie did to me and Luke when she was around. "Focus everyone! You never know when Creepy Connie's gonna strike," said Jessie. She led us into the kitchen but lucky us, Connie was in there with a knife and some crumble that she made herself.

"And the creepfest continues," said Heather. Connie claimed that she isn't creepy anymore towards Luke but with me, she pulled me into her hugs. "Can you put me down?" I said. "Right, sorry. Look at you, all grown up and quite a catch for men I might add," she said. I hate when she does that then Connie claimed that she came to warn Luke about a girl named Mackenzie. Luke and I weren't buying this for a second. She even told us that Mackenzie was obsessed with him "Takes one to know one." said Dick.

"If you thought I was bad when I was obsessed with them, it's nothing compared to her. At school, all the girls called her Mad Mac." Connie explained. She was clearly making this up just to keep Luke from dating another girl. Luke told her that he's calling Mackenzie to hang out and even introduce me to her. "Okay, it's your funeral, Luke. And Sabrina, it was nice to see you again," she said then left. Jessie tried to taste Connie's Fruit Crumble but Luke and I stopped her, I don't trust anything Creepy Connie made.

Dick's pov:

After the whole Creepy Connie incident, Emma and Zuri gave us a tour of the penthouse 'And I thought Bruce's mansion was huge.' I thought. I was getting worried about Sabrina, so I figured that I could talk to her about Connie. However, I heard screaming and fighting coming from the kitchen "Sabrina, you ok in there?" I asked. I didn't hear her then the fighting stopped so Jessie burst the door open. Inside was Connie, Luke, Sabrina, and another girl who was cuffed "What's going on in here?!" I shouted.

Sabrina ran over to me, gipping my hand tight "Connie, I knew you were still after them! A creepy leopard doesn't change its creepy spots!" Jessie shouted. However, Luke explained that Connie was the one who saved them and that Mackenzie really is Mad Mac. "I'll be back! (opens the door with her handcuffed) Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I've had to open a door this way." she said then left. We were pretty shocked at Connie then I saw Sabrina's arm, it was a cut "I'll be right back." I said.

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