Chapter 45: The Birth of a New Hero

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Sabrina's pov:

I'm now eight months pregnant with the baby, I couldn't wait to see the newest member of the family. Robin didn't want any villains to kidnap me so he insisted that I stay with my family for a while or in the tower. Violet's been my bodyguard while the others were out on a mission. Harley, Ivy, and Miss Martian were with me in the tower for a bit, they were helping me with the nursery. "I just hope Richard will be here when our child is born," I said. "There is no way he would miss something like this," said Ivy.

Harley's the most excited since I asked her to be the godmother of my child. Just as we were finishing up the nursery, a portal opened. Barbra, Selina, Merida, and Zuri in "We figured you could use more company and protection." said Merida. I was glad that I wasn't alone plus Merida and I hit it off pretty well. Suddenly, the lights in the tower go out "What's going on?" I asked the girls. "I'm not sure. Ivy, Miss Martian, Merida, get Sabrina somewhere save," ordered Batgirl. We headed to the save room in the tower.

Robin and Cyborg built it just in case of an emergency or if he and I need some alone time from the team. We were almost there until Batgirl and Tigeress came flying across the hall "How did...?" asked Merida. But before any of us could answer, we heard the sounds of a motorcycle heading our way. Now I remember where I heard that noise, Johnny Rancid. He is one of the criminals in Jump City, Robin and I faced him before but now he is after me. He must have found out about my child and now he is going to hurt us.

Johnny found us "Hand over the birds wife or your friend gets it!" he threatened. Ivy used her powers to create a barricade around me and my child. But Johnny found a way in and grabbed me "Let's see if Bird-Boy comes to rescue his little damsel." he said. He tied me up and we were now in the streets of Gotham. I overheard Johnny talking to someone about heading to the hideout. Now I'm terrified, whoever wants me could hurt the baby 'Where are you, Robin?' I thought.

Robin's pov:

Dealing with Dr. Light was harder than it looked, at least until Raven spooked him. I decided to go and check on Sabrina and the baby. But then Red X and Nightwing came out of a portal with Batgirl and the others. I didn't see Sabrina with them "Where's my wife?" I asked. Harley explained that Johnny Rancid kidnapped her and the child. I had each of the titans split up and search different parts of the city for them. Batgirl and the others joined the search "Remind me to never get on Robin's bad side." said Beast Boy.

Catwoman, Batgirl, Red X, and I were checking the west side of the city but there was no sign of them. The others just called and they couldn't find her either. "Robin, we'll find her. Sabrina is the toughest hero I know," said Batgirl. We looked all over Jump city and still found nothing "Eesh. Finding Rancid is like finding Mister J on the run." said Harley. We didn't see Nightwing or Tigeress either "They must have left." said Cyborg. I know Damian's tactics for some of the criminals and I better find him before someone gets hurt or worse. 

I had Cyborg use his scanners to locate them "Found them." said Cyborg. However, they weren't in  Jump City, they were in Gotham. "How did they even get to Gotham in the first place?" asked Starfire. "They must have found Johnny Rancid and went after him," said Raven. We were lucky that Miss M has her ship with her. So we headed to Gotham 'Please be careful my love.' I thought.

Tigeress (Zuri's) pov:

After Sabrina was kidnapped, the girls and I headed to Jump City to break the news to Robin about her. Nightwing and Red X joined us "How mad do you think Robin will be?" I asked Nightwing. "Well, when it comes to protecting the ones he cares about. Grayson will go full mother bear or leave you with a bat glare." Nightwing explained. He was right, we did receive the bat glare from Robin then he had us split up and search the city. Nightwing and I didn't find anything or even any clues to where they are.

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