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Manik and Madhav felt the pain she had earlier, their body felt sore, but not for long being werewolves and being king made them extremely strong but when they shift to wolf forms that will be much more fun, heal process with speed up ten more times.

Nandini when woke she first saw twins her lips curled to smile, they always make her smile, seeing them give her pleasure, doing things with them like drawing playing watching them talking anything gives her pleasure, she scared of them because they are always silent, their silence makes her stand little away from them, when she saw Alpha beating Luna, and them for first time she got to were from she is having aching body every now and then, she got scared she felt she did something treble that is why moon goodness is punishing her with pains, she cried whole night, she fell for twins more. She clinched on Nyeonika more.

The day when she saw dead Alpha in hands of Manik she was scared of blood, all over him her mother death came up again, the pain which is hurting her physically and emotionally too drained her away. She fainted, she is scared of twins, of course she is , but she is scared that they will get same hurt and pain she is going through, she is even scared she may do anything stupid and they may strangle her though deep inside her she knew the won't.

Today when she was them earlier, and when she was in their arms she felt secured, relief and relieved from so many things mentally physically emotionally she felt as if she is a fresh A's morning dew on grass, chilled happy, the kiss which the three shared is still fresh on her lips, Manik is very protective and deep where as Madhav is desperate and strong, she know their touch she can tell them who it is even in deep slumber

She always want to call them mani as nyeonika calls them, she never ever want to call me them individual why she doesn't know, she always feel both has one, if one touches she craves for other one too, when she have cookie from one she desperately crave other one too. One smell as earth and chocolate and other smell as woods and mint, both calms her nerves.

When they play, the smell of them makes her dizzy and shy, yes she always feel shy, conscious, and desperate. Being just ten years, she couldn't process this all so feels as if they intimidated her, they confuse her.

Now when she feels light, pain free, energetic she want to be with them, rush to them hug them and want them to kiss her desperately, being so young she don't know what that is.

Here Manik and Madhav when felt the emotions of her, made them hit like a mountain of emotions flooding, they felt blood rush from every nerve travel to south and made their groin rock hard, which made the pheromones of their body travelled whole closed room which have four elders in it, they felt embarrassed, just closed eyes and ran out of the room to breath Fresh air.

The witch laughed hysterically. All five looked at her
"It was reason of her emotions they got hard on, don't take them wrong" she laughed again
Which made koushika get irritated, Karthik laughed heartfully, Nyeonika blushed. It is Nandini who is blank

"How are you bacha?" Asked Nyeonika
"Fine Luna!!!"
"Call ne MA from now on, we are one team from now on, sue this boys and all" she hugged her, Nandini smiled
"How are you beti?" Koushika asked
"Fine pa!!! Did I miss twins title?"
"Yes they are kings now, you should call them kings not twins or otherwise"
She pouted her father always say that but why she don't know why she can't call them like that she just want to call them mani.
"But they are my friends I call them mani" she said in low voice
"Did you hear cabir or Mukthi call them with names?" He questioned
"Yes when we play" she said hurriedly
Karthik mentally cursed his son and daughter and noted that he should warn them strictly.
"Let her call them Mani" Nyeonika said
"No she won't until she shifts" witch said in warning tone
Nandini nodded "fine I will call them kings" with sad tone

Manik and Madhav came running "what happened? Why are you sad? Did any one scolding you?"
"No, nothing" she said with head down
"Nandini" koushika warned
"No kings" she corrected herself
Both felt as if they lost breath, they cleared throat they desperately want to be far far away from her as the sexual tension in them is killing them, and the pheromones are not at all helping them they are ashamed embarrassed and what not to let elders know about that

They just turned to Nandini keeping straight face "Nandu!!! How are you?"
"Fine .. king...s" she skittered
"Call us king that's all no need to s you know we are only one"
She nodded happily at least she can treat them as one
"Did you eat?" They asked
"Did you eat?" She asked them in concern
Three looked at each other, nodded no
"Fine let me feed you all" Nyeonika got up
"Let me too join" witch too
"I know your favourites the chicken biryani come I will feed you with, koushika you too join us" they walked
"Why am I left back?" Karthik asked with pout. The big bad beta pouts???
"Big boy go home and eat if not your wife will feed you with grass for a week" she remembered
"Shit" he ran home fast all laughed.

Lunch is all with jokes of witch and Nandini risky smiles, tension between boys and koushika, Nyeonika battering.

After lunch, Nandini and her father walked to their house. Witch turned to twins, " provide her tight security"
"We will look after her she our responsibility"
"When you go meetings? When you are out of pack then?"
"Yes bro we should but whom?" Manik asked Madhav
"Who ever it is bring them to me I will do spell on them so that they knows the danger before in hand to protect her"
Both looked at each other "cabir" both said in union
"Bring him here" she said
Twin mind linked them cabir came in minutes.

"Greeting Luna!!! Kings you called me?"
"Yes, you know we are keeping you father as beta, until he wants to step down he will be our beta"
"I know and I am happy about it"
"Good we want to give you a responsibility, we are sure that you will fulfill this dutiy with your life" they looked at him to confirm
Cabir looked at them "yes kings"
"Good!!!! From this moment you will be guardian for Nandini, you will protect her with your life, she will be in your protection, in school while she play while sleep, everywhere and anywhere and no one we repeat no one knows about this"
"May I know kings why she needs protection?"
Both looked at him "she is our mate" Madhav discloses
Cabir smirked but covered it fast as he is now on duty "I am happy for you both kings and I feel proud I get this duty to protect my Luna I will give happily my life to protect her she is my baby sister and my Luna"
"Good come here" witch called cabir walked to her she opened a box gave him a pendent and chanted something again in Latin then she made him wear "never loose it, never remove it, no one can see it except kings and me, this make know who is threat to her, who is bad to her" cabir nodded
"You May leave" witch said
When walked away and his scent gone she turned to twins again "never neglect his instincts, and his locket will make him desperate to protect her, now that my work done Luna I need a help from you" she turned to Nyeonika
"Say it already"
"I want alpha clothes, I want to send is soul away from you" Nyeonika took deep and sharp breath "I knew what it is I will give you" both walked away.

Twins looked at each other and felt little relieved "I want to see her" Manik said
"I want to kiss her" Madhav said
"Don't start it bro her father will kick our balls, and we need to have them" Manik answered seriously
Both looked at each other and laughed "man!!!! She is thinking about us" both said closing eyes to control "baby doll you should stop this torture" both groaned trying to get her thoughts away from the heads

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