Almost shifting

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Twins had went for Alpha meetings, all alphas of world gathered to set rules and get their problems solved . Land wars are always on surfaces they need to be cleared from a while.

Land and power is alway issue in werewolves, they make things complicated and vulgar, many times Alphas are in wrench of loosing things, but they tend to fight and fight hard and dirty.

This time as kings twin decided to draw a line for all this, so they came here to meet the Alphas who are in such limits where war always occur.

They studied problem understood the depth and came to conclusions, they called all of them and made it clear for them to be marked under territorial regions. Which led to fight.

Here in pack, Mukthi and Nandini are practising basketball, Mukthi is pushing Nandini hard, she is making it so hard that Nandini is struggling. Cabir is instructing her time to time. When she is about to take a goal finally Mukthi snatched the ball away easily.

This made Nandini loose control, she roared, her teeth changed to fangs, eyes turned to glowing green,  fingers got claws instead of nails. She is in furry,

Cabir became alert, he ran to her and tried to touch her, she reacted immediately and gave him punch, he jumped two miles away. Mukthi is terrified. Whole pack heard the roar, Nandini father came running to ground which made him loose his mind,

Nandini is just 11 and she almost shifted, being new and first she doesn't know what to do or what is it, Murthy took deep breath cold himself
"Nandu!!! Look at me" he said in command
Nandini turned to him huffing she didn't act like his daughter she is more powerful
"Nandini Murthy! Calm down" he said in low voice this time
She didn't react, her eyes are on Mukthi, Murthy sensed it, he took Mukthi arm and kept her behind him, mean time Cabir came back so came all pack people along with Nyeonika

Everyone are shocked she looked most beautiful and furious too. They attracted and even terrified of her.
Nyeonika looked her "look at me" she commanded
Nandini immediately looked at her
"Calm down, take breath" she did as said
"What is your name?"
"Niti" she answered 
"Good you have sweet voice" Nyeonika praises
She purrr in delight
"Come to me pup" she said in low voice as mother
"I am not pup mother" she said in hurt
"Children are always pups to mother you will know when you will be mother"
Niti purred and felt aroused "Mani!!! I want Mani" she demanded
"Niti!!! Come here we will go to their room" she came to Nyeonika they both walked to their room.
Being in their room having their scent made her happy "shift back Nandini" Nyeonika ordered Niti instantly shifted as nyeonika is Luna of pack. She have command everyone.

Nandini felt exhausted and fainted. Nyeonika made her sleep on bed covered her totally and called doctor immediately

Murthy is outside the door, doctor Sabrina is old lady she is best healer ever asked for, she treated so many critical cases before she is checking Nandini keenly.
"Luna!!! It is..... complicated, she is ready to shift, her body and her wolf are in sync they already had a strong bond and they established strongly. Every cell of Nandini is acceptable to her wolf, as if she is 14 how this is possible it's beyond my reach, this is first time I am seeing as such, a pup turned to wolf"
How is she?" Nyeonika is worried
"She is healthy very healthy just exhausted that's it"
Nandini father Murthy came in "why this happened? Just a basketball game made her this furious?"
"No not at all!!! It's her inner sense which made her furious may be some thing triggered her hard"
"As such?"
"As she sensed some danger, to herself, to her loved one to to..... I don't know"
"But she calmed eventually" Nyeonika asked
"Yes I think she got triggered on such thing which may be handled already I don't know how to explain but thing is she got triggered for some one else like her mate, yes she might sensed some danger to her mate before she could react or do something he might have finished that danger"
Both Nyeonika and Murthy became pale
"One more thing Luna, she got two wombs inside her, may be she is mate of twins, may be she will give birth to twins"
"Thank you Sabrina, any thing more to know?" Nyeonika asked
"She perfectly fine she just need some sleep you know first shift consumes lots of energy"
"Sure" both greeted each other and she left

"Why only she? She is pup, she is innocent she need to grow up why doesn't twins have any such?" Murthy spoke in frustration
Nyeonika looked at him as she is at the edge to ponder him "how the hell does you know that they are not suffering? Did you see? No then don't judge them, they daily cry for her they crave for her they long for her, being alphas being kings of werewolves having their mate infront and receiving all her emotions does it go easy with them? Do you think it is just a bed of flowers? No Murthy never they are feeling terrible why they are running away from pack? To keep themselves out of her reach to make you happy, don't you dare speak of them as such again, let Nandu sleep here in their scent she will feel better go home she will come in the morning" Nyeonika is furious
"Yes Luna" murthy left with guilt

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