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For one last time I want to deal with this.
For one last time will I fall in the abyss.
I've dreamt of the time I'll climb up and out of here;
Exhale my sigh of relief, and wipe those flowing tears.

Now that I was finally out and free.
I looked up into the sky which I can now see clearly.
It was different the last time I saw the sky,
At that time I actually thought I might die.
Anxiety tightened my chest,
He choked me in an effort to lay me to rest.

This couldn't be the end, this couldn't be it for me,
I had one push left in my heart so I could be set free.
Though now I've dodged the bullet,
I was inhaling  until I found the shooting culprit.
I wanted to know the person who triggered me,
Who took my hope and crushed it into pieces too many.

I want to know the man who shot me,
Thought he'd take my life and death would be.
He was wrong;
Failing in his diabolical plans all along.
I'm exhaling my sigh of relief with joy,
Because I won't let this anxiety come in and destroy.

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