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I want to reach out to those like me.
Those who can't see who they're meant to be.
I want to motivate you to show self love.
Show yourself some self care,
Living large, bright, without an ounce of fear.
I spent years being scared of my self.
Scared to live whatever of my soul was left.
I made the mistake of looking for hope and love in others.
Chasing after one too many sister and brothers.

I wish I could say I never had insecurities.
I wish I never felt like there was someone I had to please.
Masking my true identity for a little acceptance.
Just to be happy I'd wring my soul through a cleanse,
I looked for someone to tell me I was phenomenal,
And in that search it felt like I was on a ride at the carnival.

Drinking and smoking would never solve the issue.
But eating good stopped me from crying in a tissue.
Snotty nights and broken hearts was my everyday.
Wishing my body was numb and made out of clay.
But now I'm learning to love myself more than ever,
Because I found a way to get through the bad weather.

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