Notes for thought

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    Welcome to the book of lore, let's get the basics out of the way first yes? In short:
-This world has been in development for about 6-7 years now and mixes all sorts of different aspects of my inspirations. (Things like MIB, Devilman, fighting games, etc)
- This world is not entirely fictional, there are real world locations and such.
-There are multiple gods, now, these gods mostly take names from Greco-Roman mythos.
-There are religious names and references all over the place in this series, but I personally am not religious in any way, really the entirety of this universe is littered with all sorts of names (mainly) that are from religion.
-Some aspects of this lore and story are a collected effort of my 'Discord team' and I, (y'all know who you are ;)) )
- So there is going to be a story from all of this, which i began planning before writing most of these, there are some spoilers for the story in these lore bits
-Now, with these simple notes out of the way, feel free to navigate to the lore topic which interests you.

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