Beginning of time

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Tidbits about the Great Ones (OG gods) and what happened to start the world

- Really thing started with a void.
- This is a three major gods And one pack of beer type deal, kind of.
- Chronos got bored of the void and looking at the same ‘above’ (sky) everyday, So he began to work on the concept of time.
- Attis and Temperance, the two major gods of life, were also bored— so they decided to create a big ol’ realm to create entertainment.
- But uh oh. Not everything can live in a void. Basics of life would be needed for flora. Attis took it upon himself to create a stable system of flora to decorate the ‘stage’ for the world.
- Chronos kept working on time and space.
- Temperance was simply helping Attis with flora. Then she realized that Attis hadn’t given these Flora any consciousness. AKA they couldn’t speak and what not, they were stationary. Plants looked amazing. So temperance kept them around and began to work on something more.... humanoid and conscious. Something that could entertain her.
- Somewhere along the line, Attis realized that creating an entire world for entertainment was wrong— this world needed more... substance to it. A purpose. It couldn’t just be the same thing constantly.
- Chronos suggested a timeloop. As he had found that it was possible to have the same set of creatures and similar world, just in a different time, creating a new scenario. Attis and Temperance thought that would be a far better idea.
- Time had been established, Chronos made a star, the sun, to track the day and a glowy space rock, the moon, to track the night
- Day and night are a thing now. So Chronos got to work on a timeloop. He didn’t take into account that creating a split between times (night and day) would fuck him over. So he accidentally tore his soul in two, making two smol god babies, Apollo and Venus— who were both rendered unconscious by Temperance— who was determined to get Chronos back
- Attis soon did the same, he messed up while creating something and tore his soul into plenty of shards— creating Hecate,  Poseidon, Aurora, Diana, and Gaia— all of which were also put unconscious by Temperance 
- Seeing as this world was nearly complete, temperance caught on and resorted to finishing the world, creating creatures far different from the ‘human’ that Attis was working on. She created subordinates to the gods, Angels... though not without a few... many... failures. These failures,later being know as demons, were cast down to a plain of existence out of the sight of everyone— Hell.
- (Satan was the last failed rendition of an Angel, that’s why he’s the big boss. He was the closest thing to one)
- Temperance then proceeded to root her power into creating separate beings to take care of other things. She created Aphrodite and Jupiter.
- Athena was created by mistake after Temperance tried to use essence from Apollo and Venus to create a new Chronos— making a super knowledgeable god instead.
- With another mistake she also created Reapers and The entire concept of death
- Temperance set the other gods free from their unconscious state and taught them their purposes, simultaneously creating her own small court of angels to help take care of these little gods. (Hint as you why Temperances angels are feared by other angels)
- Other angel courts were created when the gods were ‘old enough’/mature and could properly control their abilities— creating heaven itself with Temperances guidance. They couldn’t agree on shit though, which is why the Asa’s exist.
- Temperance perfected the loop, making it to where the major god remained (her) with all her memories while the minor gods (everyone else) got their memories reset to square one
- All life was set to be reincarnated as well.

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