Heaven and Hell

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Realms of Heaven
- Like Hell, Heaven has multiple levels and realms attached to it.
- Heaven is hard to explain, it’s not leveled perfectly like hell (which has a central tree going down the middle for transportation)— the levels of Heaven are broken up into their court members.
- Each court gets their own ‘level’/large platform in Heaven.
- These platforms are referred to as many things, mainly ‘Asa’s’ (Latin for sanctuary) or ‘domicilium’s’ Latin for settled-dwelling place.)
- Each platform is specifically formulated to have aspects of the court members they belong to, ex. Gaia’s domicilium is decorated with plant life and has schools based around how the angels should act.
- Though the levels don’t show who is stronger, they do show which member is in power— as that Asa is usually a little higher than the others.
- Each Asa has its own amount of schools which specialize in different things that are set by the high commission members

Rules of Heaven
- One of the biggest and most important rules in Heaven is simple, follow the orders of the high commission and archangels under them.
- Another main rule is that demons are not to be associated with. At all.
- Demons are seen as beastly creatures who lack any morals.
- Yet another main rule, angels are to keep their emotions hidden from everyone until they are safely confined in their home.
- No pets. None whatsoever.
- Why? Because Gaia doesn’t want her abominations running around. That’s why they are on earth and not in heaven. She doesn’t like them.

Basic information/misplaced facts
- Buildings usually are pretty neat and small— though they look much bigger on the inside—
- Houses are formatted to for the courts theme but also to perfectly fit the angels and their families.
- Almost all the houses look the same.

Hell (Deepest(1) to Surface level(12))

-There are 12 level in total, each housing different types of demons
Hell itself is a separate dimensional plain from Earth and Heaven, being made up of 12 levels which are connected by two intertwined treelike beams, the beams are extremely sturdy and support all levels of hell. The tree itself is reminiscent of what humans called the ‘World Tree’ in Norse mythology. Lucifer... well Lucifer hangs out on Earth he isn’t relevant in Hell anymore really.

1. Niflheim-coldest level in Hell, as mentioned before. Niflheim is mostly a barren Iceland, having a few scattered villages full of ancestral demons and multiple packs of different beastial demons who roam throughout the tundra. Majority of the villages are away from the world tree, giving most of the closer territory to the beastial demons, making it harder for other demons to access Niflheim. The demons of Niflheim are rather solitary outside of their tribes, having thick fur to protect themselves from the cold, they do not usually leave Niflheim as it quickly becomes to hot for them to handle. Most demons of this level do not have any particular abilities besides rather amazing amounts of strength and most of them are rather tall.
2. Nivalis- A more civilized version of Niflheim, having small cities scattered around the more mountainous yet frozen region. Many of the cities are nestled between mountains and are well hidden. The world tree is very easily seen from the peak of the mountains, due to this almost every mountain peak has a watchtower planted on it. The mountains themselves are full of cave systems which house rather high amounts of mineral deposits, giving way for a rather flourishing mining business. Demons of this level are usually very wise and do not have a problem with allowing other demons from other levels to approach them and will gladly welcome visitors, in fact demons from Nivalis are some of the friendliest around. Demons from Nivalis tend to have quite the eye for gemstone hunting and mining, being very well trained in how to successfully run a mine and harvest gemstones. Usually when demons leave Nivalis they go up to the surface to sell their gemstones and jewelry.
3. Infernus- hottest level of hell, home to a multitude of beastly demons, primarily dragons and other scaled beasts. Infernus is known for having a rather startling amount of beastial demons, there are barely any demons present in Infernus who can take a human form or are bipedal, most having more than two walking limbs. Beasts from Infernus specialize in fire and metal, having a knack for keeping the upper levels, like Helheim and Agartha, warm during winter months by harnessing the heat their bodies emit and passing it off to Helheim. Infernus itself is a rocky volcanic area, having multiple flows of lava trialing throughout the level— none of which get near the world tree for obvious reasons. Many of these beastly demons aren’t as stupid or monstrous as they’re made out to be, most of which like to speak with eachother on various confusing topics.
4. Pontus- The water world. Pontus is covered in a vast ocean, which harbors a multitude of creatures. The ocean itself is fresh water but there are pockets of saltwater hidden throughout the level between different small island markers. The water on Pontus becomes far colder as you go down, being the warmest on the top, the water from Pontus is used to hydrate many of the other levels by a system of rather complex pipes which line the bottom of the sea. The smaller demons within Pontus are very quiet yet travel in groups for protection from the much larger beastial demons who roam the lower sea, their are a few rather large underwater cities throughout Pontus, each having their own style and often culture.
5. Diyu- The level of death, this level of hell is exclusively accessible by the reapers, or demons who wish to try and bargain for a soul. Diyu is a vast gloomy wasteland, having deep black soil and all white plants, there is only one city in Diyu— the nameless city— which is full of reapers who are usually busy conducting business sorting, selling, and destroying souls. The Nameless city nearly rivals the size of Helheim and is just as advanced is not more. Diyu is also one of the only levels of hell which has no day or night, the sky constantly being an eerie lavender accompanied by deep clouds and thick fog outside of the city. As not much is known of the Reapers, not much more can be said.
6. Elysian Fields- A massive grassfilled plain,with a few forests scattered about, home to a multitude of demons— both beastial and civilized. These demons are extremely tribal and shouldn’t be messed with. This level of hell is responsible for spawning multiple variations of fighting demons, harpies, werewolves, etc.. Many demons from this level are territorial and do not take kindly to visitors, there are exceptions as many of the villages closest to the world tree specialize in healing and will gladly take in visitors who need medicinal help. The demons from this level also often specialize in the cultivation of plants and plant magic.
7. Tartarus- Gay baby jail for the worst of demons
8. Yomi- the ‘ancient’ level. This level of hell is home to multiple different civilized demons, these demons are very wise and known for their impressive memory skills and ability to pass on memories to one and other. Aside from the temples, there are a few rural villages full of other demons who live like they’re in ancient China and have multiple children. This level of hell is... avoided by most demons who hate children. Yomi is a mix of mountains and forest plateaus, the cities tending to be hidden within the forests.
9. Xibalba- A desert based level, majority being a vast sea of sand. The few oasis scattered throughout the level are very large and have become beacons for wandering travelers looking for a village. Many of the demons here lack proper clothing and tend to wear very little or thin clothes for the sake of body temperature. Demons in Xibalba specialize in secrecy and are quite honed in the art or making something out of nothing. Many of the demons from this level are quieter and tend to keep to themselves, but are not against having a conversation by any means. Both civilized and Beastial demons can be found here, both having adaptations for heat resistance
10. Nysa- The rainforest of hell, the entire level is covered in dense forests. The level itself is home to many different beastial and civilized demons, both of which kill and feast on eachother. The villages in Nysa are high treehouses, which are usually interconnected by a bridge. The beastial demons of Nysa are more cat like and tend to heavily rely on nightfall to hunt. The civilized demons don’t often leave their treehouse villages but will welcome and help visitors if needed.
11. Agartha- Fighting demon central, this level is home to majority of the black market of hell. This level is highly monitored by the SPU now that more information has surfaced on the back alley deals. Not much can be said as majority of the information is under the SPU’s protection
12. Helheim- the ‘New York’ of Hell. This level of hell is highly populated and has laws but stays true to nature, allowing demons to hunt eachother— just not excessively. Helheim has both angel and demon residents, each side both having their own set of establishments to go to. Aside from the city, Helheim is a rather barren grassland and forests aside from a few scattered farms and outside communities. There is plenty of variations within Helheim, almost too much variation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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