The Laws of Magic

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Among the angels and demons, there are also witches/wizards. Magic is not entirely exclusive to gifted humans though, even demons can learn magic, with practice of course.
(Shoutout to Giovanni on Discord for doing this segment of the lore book)
-Magic can be described as wielding the powers of the universe or nature for your own purposes.

-Magic is available for those who have an innate ability for it. It can be partially available to those who study it, but only simpler spells that don't require the born talent for it.

-Magic manifests it visually in the forms of the elements. Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness

-What type of element the magic manifests in depends on the spell and the person -It is possible to perform spells outside of your magic type, but depending on your element, it might be very hard. The difficulty of each element falls into different tiers. For example, if your element is water, that will be the easiest for you, then earth and wind, then light and darkness, then fire.
-Some magic types are rarer than others. Water, Fire, Earth and Wind are the more common types. Light and Darkness are the rarer types.
-Light and Darkness magic, due to their rarity, are harder to perform for magic types that are more common. Harder than the other common types that aren't their opposite. Light and Darkness magic types only have significant trouble with their opposite magic type.

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