The High Commission

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The high commission is THE group of gods which watch over the Earth and such. They are not to be toyed with.

Jupiter- The god of war
- As the god of war, Jupiter is a hot headed and merciless warrior.
- He prefers using a sword but will use anything he can cause harm with if a weapon is unavailable.
- Jupiter will kill anyone who stands in the way of any of his plans.
- He created corruption, though he didn’t tell anyone, he simply used it as punishment for any who he saw as a threat to his plans
- He has fire abilities and, being a 10 foot tall tiger-centaur thing, he can and will trample you.
- Jupiter is quite good at beating Gaia, as he specializes in fire abilities.
- Jupiter doesn’t have his own realm.
- Jupiter actually had a significant other at some point in time, as he does have a blood related son

Apollo- god of the sun, Astronomy And stars
- Apollo is far more level headed and is usually very knowledgeable on things
- Though he is strict with his court, he means well
- Apollo is only 8 feet tall when not floating, which he usually is.
- Ability wise, Apollo is more of a glass cannon, he is very delicate as he lacks any real internal plating like the other gods, despite this, he can fire high powered beams of concentrated light and holy fire after a charge up though the sun must be visible and out for him to do so.
- A more defensive ability for Apollo is his ability to create clouds of smoke which resembles stardust, to do so he has to focus and hold out his hand to form the stardust itself, then he just uses his wings to break up the stardust and coat the area for protection.
- Apollo’s ‘room’/realm within heavens palace is a large observatory.

Diana- overseer of life
- Diana is practically Gaia’s bodyguard. She’s tough and well built.
- Diana is cold and tough as steel personality wise.
- Contrary to her brother (Apollo), Diana is up in your face street fighting— she doesn’t have any real abilities aside from her immense strength and her ‘godly’ ability.
- Diana’s godly ability is that she can see through the eyes of any natural being, it’s good for recon but that’s about it.
- Shes in a relationship with Gaia, but gods aren’t allowed to love eachother so they both keep it hidden
- Diana’s earwings are always folded to hide her abysmal eyes, where a humans eyes would be, she has a void which houses multiple eyes that freely move around the void area. She can see through her wings though so don’t think she’s blind.
- Diana doesn’t have a realm of her own so she is usually in Gaia’s shared realm.

Gaia- creator of plant and animal life
- Gaia is the creator of animals and plants, she’s actually a fragment of Temperance.
- Gaia can manipulate vines and plants to her defensive or offensive needs
- She doesn’t control animals. Those are on their own.
- Gaia is the nicest goddess, that’s not to say she won’t thanos snap you but she’s by far the easiest to get along with.
- She’s calm and usually quite optimistic, though she is constantly feeling terrible for certain things she’s done.
- Gaia shares a forest like realm with Poseidon and Aurora

Poseidon- Controller of tides and the ocean
- Poseidon is a more chilled out god, he tends to be laid back but can get scary serious if the need arises.
- Poseidon has two forms, one where he’s a merman. Another where he’s got his hooves.
- Unlike other gods, Poseidon has a human form. As he just wants to know how the water feels to them.
- Poseidon shares a realm with Gaia and Aurora
- Poseidon is more attack based, he can hit hard but not as fast as is usually needed. He can manipulate forms of water to use as weapons
- He is a direct counter to Jupiter, who uses fire abilities.

Aurora- goddess of climate, controller of seasons
- She’s the quiet kid of the group. She’s quiet and really doesn’t care much for anyone but Poseidon, as he actually talks to her, no one else does.
- Compared to the other gods, like Apollo, she’s extremely fragile— though contrary to Apollo, she is more of a diversion creator than an attacker.
- Aurora is mainly used in battle to create storms to obscure view and such, otherwise she’s not much help
- Aurora tends to keep her voice low and quiet during meetings with the gods— she’s usually talked over and has to have Posideon help her speak up.

Temperance-  goddess of humanity and life
- She’s... one of the original gods, therefore she is ridiculously overpowered, though she doesn’t use said powers.
- She usually is very collected and calm, rarely showing any emotion or feeling— though she does act rather motherly to some of the other gods.
- Temperance has the ability to literally manipulate aspects of reality, does she? No. Why? Because it’s painful and rather hard on her body— remember, she’s been fragmented into pieces, pieces which are the other gods, she’s not nearly as powerful as she was.
- She’s mysterious about certain things.
- When asked about Chronos (This is for story purposes) she quickly dismisses the thought of him and tells them they are making names up.
- Temperance is very well built, she can rival Jupiter in battle— though she doesn’t prefer combat.
- Her weapons of choice are anything that hits hard— more so hammers and axes.
- She has the ability to make things out of crystals— as long as she’s on the ground.
- Temperance tends to be in her ‘realm’, which is really just the nursery for court angels.
- Shes huge. Like she’s a solid 12 feet tall. then again she’s a dragon-centaur thingy.
- Her hair and eyes are entirely crystalline, though they follow normal biological rules (she can brush her hair and such)

Venus- goddess of the moon
- Venus is quite cold hearted. She’s very collected and wicked at times.
- Like her court, she’s got a thing for drinking blood, unlike her court, she’ll do anything to get that blood.
- Venus is partially responsible for corruption, though she didn’t realize it when she lent her power to Jupiter
- Unlike Jupiter, Venus (after being absolutely destroyed by the ‘good guys’) realized she was wrong, so she tends to help Tsukiya out when she can (she’s in the reapers realm but she can contact Tsukiya through their powers
- Venus also has a blood related son
- Venus’ realm is a zero gravity dimension which is basically a field of white glowing flowers with a moon hangin above.

Aphrodite- Goddess of Love and Beauty
- shes a bit of a Bitch I’m joking she actually really nice. Not that she won’t tell you if you look like a fool but otherwise she’s nice.
- She tends to keep to herself, as she doesn’t really know what to talk about with the other gods half the time... she’s the odd one out
- She has the ability to manipulate anyone’s appearance and shapeshift, she’s more of a recon type person in battle.
- Her realm is just her bedroom, which is like something out of a fairytale—
- Ask her for beauty advice. She’s great at giving it.

Hecate- balancer of Magic
- she’s fun loving and constantly bouncing off the walls like she’s had too many sodas.
- She left heaven because it was too boring.
- She’s actually pretty laid back and chill
- She has a human form and actually lives among humans. Though she just watches Netflix in her condo half the time. The other half she’s with Athena in the Yomi library.
- Her and Athena are pretty close friends despite Hecate being the polar opposite of Athena.
- The other gods think she’s dead. They are wrong. But she doesn’t want them to know she’s here anyways.

Athena- Goddess of wisdom
- Faked her death after being brutally attacked by Jupiter.
- She hangs out in hell, specifically the library in Yomi.
- She kept an eye on and cared for the princes when they were trying to adjust to their new lives in hell. She’s a good mom. Kind of.
- Athena is very calm and tends to talk with big words. She’s smart and can see the future at times.
- Athena’s realm was a huge library.
- She tends to have a spear with her all the time to help her walk, well, when she walks. She usually levitates but that gets tiring.
- Shes got a Scottish accent
- She’s close with Hecate and Apollo to an extent.

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