Angels, Demons, Hybrids- Basic rules

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Within this world there are humans and there are supernaturals, these supernaturals are seperated into two groups, angels and demons. Now Angels are the usual winged humanoid, though there are some very clear differences with biblical portrals. Demons on the other hand, range from stereotypical demons to mermaids, really if it isn't human or angel, any other type of supernatural creature is classified as a straught up demon. (Vampires are a special case which I'll mention later)
Though There are some things worth mentioning ahead of time,
- Angels and demons are immortal unless killed.
- Angels and Demons live among humans, as they have human disguises naturally
- Angels don't usually get along with demons but will work with them if needed
- Almost all demons have a gem which holds their soul, the gem can be located anywhere on the body and can be internal or external. Demons can really only be killed when shattered or bubbled (shoutout to Steven Universe for the OG idea behind this)

  Hybrid info

Hybrid info.
- Hybrids of demons and angels are extremely rare, as majority of the time, angels do not associate with demons and keep their distance.
- Although hybrids can be created through partial corruption, usually corruption is done by Jupiter. And he makes sure he completely corrupts. Not partially.
- A hybrid is usually frowned upon and exiled by angels. Demons are just chill with everything so they don’t really care and welcome hybrids in most of the time.
- Hybrids tend to lack that beastly mentality that comes with being a demon while also lacking that ‘higher-being’ mindset many angels have. They are in between.
- A hybrids appearance can be anything. Though an energy signature alone gives away they’re a hybrid.

- Questions? Comments? Just put them below, I'll get back to them when I can.

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