Chapter 10:Earth clan

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(Y/n's pov)
"Now that that's dealt with, is everyone alright?" I ask looking around. "Everyone seems fine. No fatal injuries. No deaths. Seems we're all good." I mumble to myself before turning to the unconscious bodies,"Welp! Time to clean up! Koshiro!"

He turned to me with a questioning look.

"Grab the bodies and do something with it." I say waving my hand and walking away.

"W-bu—wait—I-you can't just—"

"I have to take care of the villagers!" I yell at him, before spotting a certain boy,"Kazuno!"

"I have to take care of the villagers!" I yell at him, before spotting a certain boy,"Kazuno!"

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I kneel down next to him as he leans against the village well. I move his hand from his stomach and try to heal him.

Why isn't it working?

Because idiot your not strong enough. You don't have enough control on your power. You can only heal people you have a strong bond with for now.

Oh...wait! Ryzaki?! What're you doing inside my head?!

You seriously are so clueless it bothers me. Your friend is injured don't you want to save him first?

?! Kazuno!!

I rummage through my bag and pull out water and some bandages. "Hold still Zuno..." I pull up his shirt and I can see the pretty deep cut. Grabbing my water I pour it into the cut trying to clean it a little. I wrap with a bandage and call over a villager to bring him into a house.

I start walking around again and notice a lot more villagers injured. Sighing, I walked toward the rest of the villagers and started aiding them.
(Y/n's pov)

That's all I see.

I try moving but I'm stuck in place, as if I were glued to the floor.

A bright flash appears and I'm back at the castle.

"Huh? This doesn't make sense. I was just at the Verdori village. I couldn't have made it this far..." I say trailing off when I see father.

I run toward him in a moment of shock and disbelief, but as I run closer to him a certain red head comes into view.

I try to comprehend the situation as I get closer and it seems like they're having another argument.

"I don't understand why I can't have him father! He's royalty and he'll make a great ruler! Why can't you understand that?! I don't understand what you don't get!!" She yelled at the poor man trying to do his job as a father and king.

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