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Half an hour later Sarah met Earth near their designated portal ground. It wouldn't do to portal randomly to places and risk walking into the middle of a boulder or chopping a person in half. Earth had presented Sarah with an outfit that would let her blend in with large hood that would cover most of her face. It seemed all the clothes Draxta had provided were well above the quality most people were accustomed to. She had a variety, yes, but a variety of well-made items. The two of them stood in plain looking attire and Sarah grabbed Earth's hand, opening a portal just outside of the city.

Through the rip in the air before them the image presented a stark contrast to the mostly barren landscape where they stood. Thespa lay near a river and actually had some green foliage, whereas most everything beyond the city was shades of brown due to the semi-consistent bouts of acid rain. Even though Sarah had been there before and had seen the natural color, it still took her breath away. All the colors at the house were painted. They were just as vibrant, yes, but they seemed fake in comparison.

Earth gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and they stepped through.

The difference was immediate, almost as if some invisible oppressor had freed Sarah from environmental shackles. The air was crisper, cleaner. The low murmur of wildlife replaced the silence of decay. The blinding sun was the same, though somehow she minded it less. She took in a deep breath and did a quick circle, taking in the rest of her surroundings and making sure no one witnessed their appearance. When all she saw was green grass, marred only by the portal cutting into the earth, she relaxed and released Earth's hand, the portal winking out of existence.

Sarah let Earth lead her through the city, weaving through unfamiliar streets and past interesting shops. Sarah had a basic understanding of how most things were made, coopers or fletchers or smiths were common enough professions that she knew the basics of the work required, but the specifics were new to her. And so passing by a cooper's shop she caught a glimpse of the wood being tightened in its frame and had to resist the urge to stop and watch.

Several other shops along the way caught her attention similarly but she forced herself to continue along until they reached the university. Earth turned, glanced around, and then looked to her.

"I'm going to go in and investigate, see if they know anything of our plans. You need to stay here, you'll bring too much attention and we're just here on a fact-finding mission. Don't talk to anyone. I'll be back as quick as I can."

Sarah nodded and Earth strode away quickly, disappearing into the towering structure. She stood there, staring up at the building their enemies called home. The university dwarfed everything around it, stained glass windows giving it a prestigious air and reminding everyone else how insignificant they were in comparison. The gall of it nearly made her stomach turn. She wished suddenly that she'd brought one of her other teachers, Fire perhaps, so she could give this university something to remember her by.

But no. They weren't here to pick a fight. They were here to gather information and leave, to make sure they hadn't been discovered and that Havlik and the girl had not somehow made it back to the city. How she planned to find them if they hadn't returned Sarah wasn't sure, but one problem at a time.

She looked back up at the walls of the university and frowned. It frustrated her sometimes, the need for her tutors in order to do magic. Draxta had tried to explain it once. She likened Sarah to a magnifying glass.

"Look at the sun," Draxta had said. "See how it produces heat and it affects us all." She pulled out a magnifying glass and held it out. "Now look at this. By itself it does nothing. Well," she amended, noticing the pout that statement had placed on Sarah's face, "nothing overly spectacular. But, if you use it just right..."

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