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January 22, 2011

Breakthrough today in personal quantum connection. Still need to find a better name for that. While experimenting with multiple connections I accidentally opened a rift to somewhere. The pocket of space was very small, a mere distortion in the air, but it was unmistakable. Through the rift I heard voices. The language was some form of English, perhaps some American dialect I am unfamiliar with. I lost concentration and the rift closed. Multiple attempts to recreate have failed. Thus far this seems the most spectacular of the discoveries I've made.

January 30, 2011

I finally recreated the rift, careful to notate my steps in the process. Again the distortion appeared, still small. This time however there was only one voice, a female voice. I called to it and after a short period it responded. Her name is Draxta. She appears to have a working knowledge of what I have been experimenting with, though her terminology lacks sophistication. Ordinarily my next hypothesis would seem outlandish, but with what I've accomplished thus far... I believe Draxta to be from another world.

February 10, 2011

With Draxta's help I've succeeded in enlarging the rift, though still we can only hear each other. Draxta attempted to toss a rock through, to see if there was a physical connection between our worlds. The rock never arrived. She is an educator there and has promised to help me with my research, to offer insights. With only a couple suggestions her help has already proven invaluable. I have no doubt that collaborating together we'll be able do great works.

February 21, 2011

Today I saw Draxta for the first time. A little older than myself, so far as I could tell, it was good to finally match a face to the voice. Draxta again tried to toss a rock through. I caught it as it passed from her world to mine. I nearly fainted with excitement, and her reaction was very similar. We have arranged to test the rift on live animals tomorrow to determine any ill effects.

February 22, 2011

It seems crazy that only a month has passed since I created the first rift. From the impossible to trans-dimensional travel, assuming my tests on the rabbits we passed back and forth show no ill effects... this has been a whirlwind of discovery. Draxta has become very curious about our world and I've given a functional ecology/geology/biology 101 course to her over the last week or so. It seems her world is both similar and dissimilar to ours in various ways, most notably the difference of climate and the similarity of humanoid life. She asked about coming through herself, but I suggested we wait until the tests on the rabbits were complete. Also, the portal is not nearly large enough for a full-grown person to pass through.

February 27, 2011

I've developed the impatient habit of twirling fire in my hand. Draxta explained how they created fire and I've tweaked my original notes accordingly. I still make sure to practice while no one is watching. I don't think many would understand, or at least let me continue with my experiments. Draxta seemed very impatient today, uncharacteristic of her. She dismissed my inquiries and I can't help but feel she's hiding something. We made the portal larger, nearly large enough for a person to pass through. The rabbits have no sign of abnormality.

March 3, 2011

Draxta was downright hostile today. I do not know what has caused this shift in her demeanor, but it is uncomfortable to work with her. I closed the portal at one point only to have her open in up again. She said something worrisome, though it may have been an offhand comment and not something with purpose, but it came across almost like a threat. I will have to practice without her present.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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