Everything is Gray

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Emmie and Reyna stepped out of the portal to find themselves outside of a massive black onyx castle. The two girls normally would have been excited to finally see their aunt's home, but they were to distraught to actually care about their surroundings. Llisona waved over a demon who took their bags and disappeared with them before she placed a hand on each of their backs and led them up the stairs and into the castle.

"Everything's going to be ok, dolls," Llisona cooed. "How about I show you two your rooms and you can get cleaned up?" The girls nodded quietly as Llisona lead them up several flights of stairs and down half a dozen or so hallways before stopping.

"Do you girls want to be together or would you prefer separate rooms?" Emmie and Reyna looked at each other before answering simultaneously,

"Together." Llisona smiled at them gently before opening the door they were standing in front of. Inside was a master suite. From where the girls were standing, they could see a large sitting room, two bedrooms, and two private bathrooms which each of the girls' suitcases inside. Everything was in royal purple, light gray, and white.

"I figured as much. I was hoping you girls would eventually be able to come and stay, so I had this room prepared for you years ago. You two go ahead and get cleaned up, I'm going to have dinner prepared. Is there anything you need before I go?" 

Reyna shook her head as she made her way to one of the bathrooms. Emmie looked up at her aunt with tear streaked eyes.

"Are you s-sure mommy's gone?" Emmie's sad little face almost broke Llisona's stone cold heart. She knelt down next to Emmie and wrapped her in one of her rare hugs.

"I'm so sorry darling, I'm sure." Emmie buried her face in her aunt's shoulder and sobbed until she had no more tears to cry while Llisona gently stroked her hair. Once Emmie felt a bit better, she wandered into the other bathroom and shut the door. Llisona sighed sadly and went downstairs to talk to the chefs. She had no idea how she was going to mend her nieces' broken little hearts.

Reyna sat on the bathroom floor feeling dizzy. She couldn't feel anything but the pounding of her heart. Her vision fading to shades of gray. Reyna had never felt so empty or alone before. She felt like someone had tied massive stones around her ankles and thrown off her sturdy pier and into a tumultuous ocean. She was sinking into a dark abyss and didn't know how to survive.

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