Screw Him

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Texan couldn't breathe. Every time he attempted to take a deep breath to fill his burning lungs. The fire from his lungs seemed to spread to his entire body till he was so desperate to escape from the heat he tried to rip his shirt off, only to discover that his hands were shaking. Scratch that, his entire body was vibrating. 

"What's happening to me?!" Texan screamed to the empty house. He was dizzy and nauseous. His heart felt like it was going to explode. 

Texan collapsed to the floor, shaking, struggling to breathe, and absolutely miserable. This was it. He was finally going to die. 

"Congratulations, you got me. I don't know who you are, but somehow you got to me," He wheezed out while pushing himself into a sitting position against the wall. Obviously one of his enemies had poisoned him, nothing else could have this affect on him. And he was ok with that. Sure, his reputation would be destroyed, but he could see Nerd again. Texan sighed. He'd be able to hold Nerd in his arms again. That didn't sound so bad.

"Texan," a sweet, familiar voice soothingly cooed. Texan turned towards the voice so quickly that his neck cracked painfully.

"N-nerd? You're not dead?" He managed to sob out. There sat his dearly departed wife in her favorite chair, right beside his. She smiled softly.

"Don't be silly, of course I am." Texan sunk further against the wall in despair.

"Then how are you here?"

"Let's just say you aren't taking my death well. Your mind is so traumatized that it essentially created me. This isn't healthy you know." Nerd chided.

"Oh," Texan whispered looking down, crestfallen. He'd been hoping that somehow everything had been a dream or some cruel prank.

"Texan, look at me." Nerd said sternly. Texan met her eyes.

"You're having a panic attack. You need to calm down. This extra stress on your body will only cause more damage to both your physical and mental health. Listen to me. Deep breath in, deep breath out." Texan did as she said and slowly began to feel a semblance of normalcy.

"I'm never having one of those again," Texan huffed out.

"It's not exactly a decision you get to make."

"I don't care," Texan stubbornly retorted. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Nerd so rudely broke it.

"You need to get over me. I know it will take a while and you need time to grieve, but you can't let the rest of your life revolve around my death." Texan shook his head vigorously.

"I will never be over you. You are my one true love and I'd rather blow my brains out before doing such a thing."

"I'm not real. This is yourself telling you this." Texan sighed and leaned his head back onto the wall. 

Myself can go screw himself then.

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