Mac and Soap

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Myc teleported Cami to his penthouse suite in Hong Kong. He carefully set the normally rowdy six year old on his couch and sat next to her.

"How are you feeling?" Myc asked awkwardly. He wasn't really sure how someone as young as Cami would process something as traumatic as this.

"I'm hungry. Can we have Macaroni for dinner?" Cami asked hopefully.

That was strange. He expected Cami to be screaming at the top of her lungs and sobbing, but she seemed quite calm.

"Cami, do you know what's happening?"

"Kinda. Mommy went to heaven and Daddy's heart is broken. Can I watch TV?" All Myc could do was silently nod and go make Macaroni.

Cami did know what was going on, but it was like her emotions were disconnected. How was he supposed to deal with that? He suddenly had a kid to take care of which was scary enough on its own, but on top of that the kid was emotionally damaged. Well crap.

While Myc made the Macaroni, Cami sat in front of the TV watching my little pony or something equally horrible. Once he finished the Mac, he set the table, deep in thought. He could hire a children's therapist. Would that be appropriate? Would it just make things worse?

Without even realizing it, Myc set a bottle of hand soup in place of a cup at Cami's spot. He disproved of Cami's soap drinking habit. He was sure it had to be bad for her, but this far she's been fine. And apparently Myc's subconscious thought Cami needed it today.

"Dinner's ready," Myc called to his charge, who scrambled her tiny body off the couch and to the table.

"Yay! Macaroni and soap! This is the best day ever!" Cami cried happily before attacking the soap bottle. Myc was left to sit sadly, thinking more or less the opposite of what Cami said.

While Cami are, Myc just sat there and brooded. He had liked Nerd, but he was never super attached to her. They got along occasionally, but he'd barely even call themselves friends. To him, she was just his brother's slightly annoying, yet tolerable, wife. She was an excellent mother though, he had to give her that. She loved her family more than anything.

How was Cani going to turn out without Nerd's nurturing touch? Would she become so emotionally dead that she would behave like a robot? Myc really had no clue. All he could hope was that he did right by her.

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