What Was That For?!

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The next morning, Texan woke up completely calm. On the outside that is. He had his rational thought back, but underneath everything he had an inferno of rage waiting to be unleashed with a vengeance. 

"Texan," Demi called from the kitchen. "Breakfast is ready!" Texan sighed before rolling out of bed. Couldn't keep his blood brother waiting or Demi would lecture him. He was like Texan's older brother despite Texan being hundreds of years older. 

"Hey bro," Texan said while stumbling into the kitchen. 

"There's my baby bro!" Demi said with a giant smile on his face while flipping pancakes expertly. "I just got off the phone with Llisona and Myc. The kids are going to be coming for breakfast so I made all kinds of food!" And Demi really had. There were scrambled eggs, omelets, has browns, pancakes, sausage, bacon, orange juice, muffins, fruit salad, and tons more. Texan cocked his eyebrow.

"How long have you been awake?"

"That's besides the point," Demi grinned. "Just sit down and get yourself some OJ while we wait." Texan grabbed a cup and the pitcher and was about to pour it when the front door slammed open.

"I'm home, daddy!" Cami's little voice assaulted his ears making him jolt and spill some juice on the table.

"Cami, baby! I missed you!" Texan set down the juice, kneeled down, and reached out his arms. Cami launched herself into her dad's chest who quickly picked her up and spun her around. She squealed happily and started rapidly telling Texan how much fun she had at Uncle Myc's house. A few minutes later, Llisona arrived with Reyna and Emmie who also flung themselves at Texan and clung onto him as if their lives depended on it.

After greetings were gotten out of the way, everyone sat down at the table to eat. Reyna ended up sitting next to Demi. Since he hadn't seen her for a while, he tried to strike up a conversation.

"Hey Rey Rey, how're yo-SMACK!" Reyna slapped Demi across the face and gave him her best death glare. "What the heck, kid!"

"Call me that again and I'll have Satan teach me how to set your eyes on fire." Demi's white gray skin became even paler. He glanced at Llisona and chocked out, "You wouldn't teach her to do that. Right?" Llisona casually took a sip of her orange juice and looked Demi dead in the eye.

"Why wouldn't I teach my niece my favorite torture technique?" Llisona said in a confused tone. Demi leaned over to Texan and whispered,

"If I am mysteriously murdered, it was those two," he said while gesturing at Reyna and Llisona. Texan cracked a grin.

"Not a chance they'd do that!..without including Emmie." Demi just stared at Texan, waiting for him to go "HA! Just kidding! They'd only kill you with snuggles," but Texan did no such thing.

"I'll shut up now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2019 ⏰

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