Chapter 10: Neo-Emperor's Weapon

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"You have summoned me, my liege?" asked a dark figure.

"Yes. My new toy. Is it coming along smoothly?"

"Of course, my liege. The data of MaloMyotismon is being collected as we speak. However, I am curious to your plan, sire. What is it that you need with his data?"

"Plenty," answered Neo-Emperor. "You will find out what it is soon enough. Right now, I want you to send my army of dark clones to the real world. I will be here, working on my new weapon that will destroy the Digidestined children, and avenge Daemon."

"My liege, I will obey your every command." With that, the dark figure disappeared.

~~The Real World~~

"You take the reciprocal of x, divide it into our fraction and you find the overlapping values of a and b. Isn't that peachy?"

"This class takes way too long," thought Davis, watching the clock. Seconds seemed like minutes. Minutes seemed like hours...



"Can you give us the value of q?"

"'s 0?"

"Very good, Davis. I'm glad to see that you're paying attention." Davis looked stunned and sweatdropped.

After math, Davis and Ken walked to the cafeteria. "Nice work with the problem back there," Ken smiled.

"Yeah. Um, can you explain it again?" Davis asked nervously. Ken face palmed.

"Davis! Ken! Come sit here with us!" called Yolei when Davis and Ken had gotten their lunches. She and Cody were already at a table. The two boys shrugged and sat with them.

"So what's the story on Kari and TK?" asked Cody.

"It's not going so well," sighed Ken. "Some force is blocking our transmittance into the Dark Ocean. We don't know if they're alive or not."

"And with creeps like Daemon lurking around there, who knows what'll happen to them?" said Davis.

"Actually, I doubt if Daemon was any threat to them," commented Ken.

"WHAT?!" asked everyone, making the entire cafeteria stare at them. Ken sweatdropped. "Um...Davis lost his soccer game," he hastily replied. The lunchroom went back to its normal business.

"I have NEVER lost a soccer game!" yelled Davis, a vein appearing on his forehead. *Hehe, Anime is so funny!

"Yes you have. Against Ken," Cody smiled. Davis sulked a bit.

"So, what did you mean that Daemon wasn't a threat?" asked Yolei.

"I can't explain it, but when that fog surrounded me, I felt him. It was his voice, and he seemed, well, weak."

"Him? WEAK?!" Davis thought aloud.

"Yes. Somehow, TK and Kari managed to defeat him. He then escaped here, but was seriously weakened, and picked me as his target."

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