Chapter 16 - Rescue

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Neo-Kaizer sat on his chair, watching the screens around him. "Almost finished..." he smirked.

*You know all the times I've called him Neo-Emperor? Well, I began to think that Neo-Kaizer sounded sooo much better. So, from now on, he's Neo-Kaizer, and pretend everytime I've called him Neo-Emperor, it's been Neo-Kaizer. Okay?

Kari Kamiya, in her tiara and silk dress, sat on her bed thinking. After two months of living in luxury, she had come to a decision.


"So, Kari, have you come to a decision yet," asked her ever-faithful partner, Gatomon.

"TK's gone. I'm almost sure of it," Kari sighed. "But, I think Tai and the others have suffered enough. Neo-Kaizer may have given me all these wonderful possessions, but..."

"You'd rather have friends, right?" smiled Gatomon.

"Exactly," laughed Kari. "We'll escape together, tomorrow."

~^~end Flashback~^~

Kari sighed and changed into her normal attire: The pink and white top, the long gloves, and the yellow shorts. 'I'll still need my crest and digivice,' she thought. 'But there's got to be a way to get to them.'

Suddenly, Kari felt a surge of power. "It's that way. I can sense it!"


"Is that it?" asked Leomon. He, Ogremon, Andromon, Piximon, Wizardmon, TK, Gennai, and Patamon were outside of the Kaiser's palace, hiding behind some trees and bushes.

"I'm positive," answered Wizardmon. "Amazing. Neo-Kaizer has completely replicated Myotismon's castle."

"It's going to be a tough job to get in there," said Piximon. "Neo-Kaizer's got that dark clone army around."

"My sensors indicate that our target is on the fourth floor of that complex," Andromon told them. "Also, a barrier is formed around the castle."

"The Prisonal Wall," growled Gennai. "It's a type of barrier that allows anything in, but not out."

"Do you think that's so Kari can't escape?" asked Patamon.

"Maybe," wondered Wizardmon. "But why go through all this trouble to keep her inside?"

"I'm not sure," TK sighed. "But there's no time. Kari's in there, and I'm not waiting any longer!" TK was now dressed in a ninja-like attire. A red scarf hung from his neck, covering the bare spot on his chest. The rest of his body was covered with a tough, black uniform made from a strong, coarse material. His wrists were covered with tight leather gloves that left only his fingertips naked. Leather boots covered his leg from the shin down, and the DigiSword lay dormant in its sheath at the side of the young warrior's belt.

"I'm with you, kid," said Ogremon. "I say we kick some serious Digi-ass!"

"There's a portal to the real world inside there," Andromon informed them. "I believe that's where Neo-Kaizer leads his army out."

"The real world?" asked TK. "If we could just get through that,..." Right then, Ogremon lost his balance and fell face first out of the bushes onto the ground, making an audible noise that echoed throughout the clearing. Everyone sweatdropped.

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