Chapter 18: Destiny vs Darkness

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"POSITRON LASER!" yelled Imperialdramon, firing his ray at his dark self. The dark Imperialdramon did as well and the two attacks collided, resulting in an explosion of brightness.

"I don't know how long these guys can hold out," Izzy told them. "Those clones can now copy everything our digimon can do. We may not be able to beat them!"

"That you aren't, my red-headed friend," smirked Neo-Kaiser. "Aquilamon! Ankylomon! Attack the humans!"

"BLAST RING!" yelled the dark Aquilamon, hitting Ankylomon and knocking him unconscious.

"Ankylomon!" Aquilamon shouted, when the dark Ankylomon used his tail-hammer to knock out Aquilamon. The two champions now turned toward the humans, and charged at them.

"Shit, this is it," cried Matt. Mimi held onto him, and Sora held onto Tai. Everyone was bracing themselves for the final attack when...

"CELESTIAL ARROW!" An arrow of pure light skewered both the dark digimon. Neo-Kaiser gasped. "Impossible!"

"Nice shot, Angewomon," Kari complimented.

"Kari!" Everyone shouted in excitement. Tai was too shocked to shout. 'She came back...'

"Hey guys! Sorry we're late!" Kari smiled and gave her brother a hug.

"No problem, you were in the nick of time!" exclaimed Sora.

"We thought you wouldn't come back," Tai finally spoke, returning his little sister's hug. "I mean, with TK dead and all..."

"Who said TK was dead?" asked Kari. "He came back with me." Everyone looked at her, shocked.

"He...what?" asked Matt.

"Is it so hard to believe, bro?" a familiar voice came from behind him. Matt turned around to see...


"In the flesh," smiled the younger blonde, running to hug his older brother. "I missed you, big bro."

"That's an understatement for me," smiled Matt, returning the hug. "We thought you were dead!"

"So did I," sneered Neo-Kaizer. "The famous Child of Hope, Takeru Takaishi. Thwarter of Puppetmon, Defeater of Devimon, and Banisher of Piedmon. I've been anxious to meet you for so long."

"Well, I'm here, alive and well," TK said to him. "So you're the Neo-Kaizer I've heard all about. Your army is way overrated, if I must say so myself."

"What are you talking about?!" growled the dark one. TK pointed behind him. Neo-Kaizer turned to find his dark clones of the digidestined Digimon being deleted one by one by MagnaAngemon's Excalibur.


"What do you think we've been doing in the Digital World if Patamon and I weren't dead? We've trained under Gennai, and Patamon now fights higher than his expected level. MagnaAngemon fights like a mega now."

"A Mega?! Fine! Imperialdramon, Wargreymon, MetalGarurumon! Attack MagnaAngemon NOW!" The three Mega Digimon turned towards the Ultimate and began to gang up on him.

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