Chapter 15 - Days of Training

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TK lay asleep in a pile of hay that he called a bed at the moment. His Digimon, Patamon, was snoring softly next to him. It was then that a dark figure lept into the room and threw a pitcher of ice cold water on his face. The bubble on the young blond's nose (*Anime, gotta love it!*) popped as he and Patamon sputtered and spat out water.

"What the hell was THAT?!" TK demanded.

"Sunrise, Takeru-san," said the dark figure in a booming voice.

"Can't you find a much less cold way to do that, Gennai?" demanded Patamon.

"No. And I am very impressed that you were able to identify me, young one," smiled Gennai, appearing in full light. His voice changed back to normal. "Come, we leave Miharashi Sactuary for Infinity Mountain in one hour. You must be prepared by then. No sooner, no later. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" said TK. That last comment was meant to be a joke, but Gennai's extremely serious tone made TK nervous and say it as he would in an army.

"Very good. Your breakfast is in the next room. You must change into your training clothes, which are sitting at the corner over there, and eat. Meet me at the entrance to the passageway when you're done." With that, Gennai left. TK shivered a little.

"Damn, is this going to me my alarm clock from now on?" he asked Patamon.

"I hope not," replied the orange batpig. "But if it is then we have no chice in the matter."

"I hear ya," sighed TK, who changed into his white training robe. He picked up the sheathed DigiSword and lead Patamon through the maze of tunnels to to get his breakfast.

TK sat down with Piximon and Wizardmon at the large wooden table. The simple early meal consisted of water, rice, bread, and fish. "I suppose these are our meals from now on as well, huh?" asked Patamon.

"Get used to it!" yelled Piximon. "It's the best we've got!"

"Heh, no need to be so worked up," stammered Patamon, sweatdropping.

"Please excuse Piximon," Wizardmon told him. "But none of us like it when someone complains that all we have isn't good enough."

"I didn't mean it that way," said Patamon.

"I know you didn't, my friend," sighed Wizardmon. "Now, you must eat. You'll need your strength for your rigorous training today."

"Right. I need to learn to use the katana in a true samurai fashion," said TK, taking a bite out of the dry bread. After finishing two bowls of rice, a slice of bread, and a fish, Wizardmon lead TK to the entrance to the passageway.

"One minute and forty-three seconds late, TK," Gennai frowned. "I said exactly one hour."

"Do you expect me to keep an internal clock or something?" asked TK. "I mean, how am I supposed to determine an hour exactly?"

"You'll get the hang of it," said Gennai. "Go a little faster next time, then the next. Eventually, exactly one hour will be reached. Our meals are exactly the same, so just eat less next time."

"Right. So are we going?" asked Patamon.

"Yes, Patamon," smiled Gennai. "Let us proceed."

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