Chapter 14: A Sample of Power

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Neo-Emperor sat in his chair watching one of his screens. He smirked as his weapon was edging closer and closer to being completed. "And not even Hikari Kamiya will have the ability to stop me," he smiled to himself. "But there has to be a way to keep myself entertained for some time."

"May I suggest allowing your dark army into the real world?" asked DemiDevimon.

"No. Not quite yet," said Neo-Emperor. "Well, not the WHOLE army. DemiDevimon, send an army of one hundred Vilemon to terrorize Tokyo. I think that will give those digidestined idiots a taste of what my true potential is."

"Yes, my liege," DemiDevimon bowed and disappeared. It was then that Devimon appeared.

"Sire, I have gathered the data of the one called Puppetmon. Is there anything else you desire?" the dark champion asked.

"Hmm, yes, actually there is," smirked Neo-Emperor. "Devimon, do you still know the potential of the Black Gears?"

"Of course, my liege," Devimon replied.

"Well then, my servant, fetch me some black gears. I will add their power to this new weapon of mine."

"As you wish, my emperor," bowed Devimon. He turned and disappeared. Neo-Emperor turned back to the screen.

'I wonder what else is on?' he wondered. He changed the screen to Kari, staring out the window of her room.

"Dear child of Light," laughed the Neo-Emperor. "She wonders if her deceased Prince Charming, the child of Hope, is still alive. The poor little bitch..."

"Aaargh!" yelled an exasperated Izzy. "Kari's nowhere to be found, we can't get to the Digital World, and to top it off, Gennai has disappeared from the face of my computer!"

"Calm down, Izzy," said Mimi. "You'll figure it out. You just need time!"

"Don't worry, buddy, we're here," Tai comforted his friend. Izzy sighed.

"I guess, but usually, I get an email from Gennai...or something. It's weird. One of the toughest opponents we have ever faced and the one who's helped us through many jams is gone."

"I just hope she's okay," said Yolei. Ken put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"She'll be fine," he assured her.

"At least you have some hope for sibling," Matt told Tai. "Mine's gone."

"Don't be so down about it," said Tai. "If TK hadn't sacrificed himself, then Kari would be the one dead and I'd be saying the same thing to YOU. But that's not the case. Be proud of TK, Matt. He was a great friend and brother, who brought hope into our lives."

"Yeah, I guess," sighed Matt. Mimi walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Things will get better," she whispered to him. Matt sighed (again) and nodded.

"Until then, we have to fight to protect the people we love and care about in THIS WORLD," said Sora.

"There's nothing more I can do today, guys," said Izzy.

"That's okay, Izzy, you tried your best," Tai said as he put on a fake smile. "We'll try to find a way tomorrow to find Kari."

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