Chapter 17: The Crest of Darkness

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Everyone was gathered at the Kamiyas drinking pop. It had been two months since Kari and TK left them, two months since TK's proposed death.

"Now what?" asked Yolei. "Neo-Kaizer may be showing his face around here anytime now, and we're powerless."

"Not quite," said Ken. "We can still DNA Digivolve, and the originals still have their crests."

"Let's watch some TV to take our mind off of this," suggested Davis.

"Good idea," Tai agreed and turned on his TV. He was flipping through the channels. "Pokemon, Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, News Flash, Zoids..."

"Tai! Turn back!" yelled Sora. Tai switched back to the news flash.

"There's a large portal opening at an old summer campground and millions of monsters are coming out and there's nothing we can do about it," said the anchorman, in front of a large portal. Hundreds of Vilemon and Bakemon were flying out of the hole.

"Um, what were you saying about 'good idea'?" asked Joe.

"Holy Crap!" yelled Davis. "We've got to get there!"

"No Davis," Cody retorted. "Look outside." Everyone turned to see the army of digimon invading Odaiba. "This is not good," sighed Matt.

"Right, let's rock, guys!" yelled Tai. Everyone nodded.

The ten of them split up into five different groups: Joe and Cody headed toward the Bay, Sora and Mimi went to Tokyo Tower, Yolei and Izzy took toward the city convention center, Davis and Ken headed for Highton View Terrace, and Tai and Matt headed for the summer campgrounds where the portal was.


"Now, Gizamon, attack!" commanded MarineDevimon at the bay. Swarms of the amphibious fish-type digimon crawled out of the water, striking at anyone they came into contact with.

"This is horrible!" exclaimed Joe when he and Cody reached the area. "Ready, Gomamon?"

"Do you HAVE to ask?" smirked the rookie.

"Let's do it, Armadillomon!" Cody looked at his partner.

"Time to go fishin!" the rookie shouted.

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon!"


"Armadillomon armor digivolve to...Submarimon, Reliable Guardian of the Seas!"

Cody got into Submarimon, and the two digimon jumped into the sea.

"Ah! The Digidestined have shown up!" smirked MarineDevimon. "EVIL WIND!"

"Left!" shouted Cody, as he and SubMarimon dodged the attack. "OXYGEN TORPEDO!"

Two missles of air flew at MarineDevimon and exploded on impact.

"You think that hurts?" the evil digimon laughed.

"HARPOON TORPEDO!" yelled Ikkakumon, who fired his attack from behind.

"DARKNESS WATER!" MarineDevimon's attack knocked back both Ikkakumon and Submarimon.

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