The night where things went wrong and nobody remembered

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Beth's POV:
It is now a couple weeks later and I have really found my way in the team. All the trainings went really well and I really enjoy playing with these girls. Leah, Jordan and I have spent a lot of time at The Dutchies house (and Lisa of course). It's like Daan is getting cuter and nicer every day I see her, I might be falling a bit for her. But I will not tel her! Not for another couple of weeks. What if I confess my feelings to her and that she doesn't feel the same? It wouldn't be good for the team and I don't want to do that in my first year at Arsenal. No, I am definitely not telling her.

Today after training Jordan and Leah suggested we go to Lisa's house again. So now we are in the car on our way to our apartment to put on some better clothes and then we're leaving. We're chatting a bit about training and the team when Leah suddenly drops a question;
"Sooooooo, you like anyone??"
"Leah please, I have been here for 3 weeks, how do you expect me to have fallen in love already?"
"I agree with Beth, Leah, just let her figure it out on her own!", Jordan helps me.
"Thanks, Jord."
"But I did see you looking at Daan a couple of times, she's something isn't she?" Jordan suddenly says.
"I thought you were on my team, Jords! You betrayer!" I say, half laughing, half angry.
"So Daan, huh?" Leah comes again.
"There's nothing about her! I mean, she's definitely SOMETHING!"
"Ha, I knew it!" Jordan says, thinking she won.
"I mean, she's something, like a bouncy child whose energy never runs out."
"Ohw, well yeah she's energetic, but that can be a good thing!"Jordan tries to cheer me up.
"Yeah, take Jordan as an example: she's a bouncy child as well and she turned out fine!" Leah teases Jordan
"I don't know if I should feel offended or honoured.." Jordan questioned.
While we were talking, we hardly noticed that we arrived. We went inside and changed in nicer clothes, as we heard that there was a plan to go clubbing. We stepped into the car again and drove to Daan's house.

Daan's POV:
So I had the greatest idea of going clubbing. It was actually Jill's idea, but I like to take credit for things I didn't came up with myself. We drove home from training and started getting ready. Of course I couldn't choose a good outfit, so I asked Jill for help:
"Okay, who are you trying to impress tonight?" Jill says as she comes into my room.
"What?! Nobody! I just need a nice outfit, so help me please! And no silly jokes about love, okay?" I say, a little frustrated.
"Wow, okay, rustig aan Daan!" {slow down Daan!} Jill says, a little suprised by the answer.
She pulled out white pants, a black bodysuit and a white cardigan. It looks perfect.
"Wow, thanks Jill, it looks gorgeous!" I say, stunned at Jill's fashion sense.
"Well, they call me Miss Fashion for a reason!"
"Nobody calls you that." I say, laughing a bit.
Jill flips her hair and walks out of my room, acting offended as a joke.
I put the clothes on, do my hair and go downstairs. Seeing everybody ready, sitting on the couch, waiting for the other girl to arrive. I sit down, grab my phone and check Instagram when the doorbell rings. Leah, Jordan and Beth have arrived and look good, especially Beth. We all get into one car (not a good idea, as we have to sit with 5 people on 3 seats in the back seat) and drive to the club.
"I think it will be handy if we point out one person that stays sober, so she can drive us back home when we're all drunk." Lisa suggests.
We do rock, paper, scissors and Jill lost
"Fine, I will be sober. This will be fun." Jill says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you are all going to get so drunk that you won't remember and then you will come to me because I will remember and then I will have great stories." Jill says, all in one breath.
We all protest against that:
"No way that will happen!"
"We're not so stupid to do that!"
"Yup, that totally sounds like us." Viv suddenly says.
We all turn to her and Jill starts to laugh.
"Viivvvv!" Lisa says, "You should be supporting us!"
"I'm sorry, babe, but it just sounds like something we would do!"
We pull up to the parking place, park the car and walk to the club.
We all get into the club, Leah, Jordan, Jill, Viv, Lisa, Beth and me.

Jill's POV:
When we get in, the bouncer recognises us and walks up to the manager. The manager turns out to be a huge Arsenal fan and, if we take a picture with him, he will give us our own private lounge and free drinks for the entire night. This isn't going to end wel....... We get into our lounge and Daan is immediately going to get drinks. I follow her to help her carry them. While we bring all the drinks back to the group we have a little conversation:
"I noticed Beth looking at you in the car. What's going on between you two?" I say with a little smirk on my face while I see Daan getting red as a tomato and a bit frustrated.
"Jill, hoe vaak moet ik het nog zeggen: er is niks tussen ons! Dus laat het los en ga proberen Leah en Jordan te koppelen!" {Jill, how many times do I have to tell you: there is nothing going on between us! So let it go and go try setting Leah and Jordan up!} Daan says, clearly very frustrated.
"Ben ik al mee bezig, ik heb 2 missies tegelijkertijd!" {Already busy with that, I have 2 missions at once!} I tell her when we walk up to the lounge.
"Okay, maar laat het even zitten deze avond!" {okay, but just let it go this one evening!} Daan whispers to me when we put the drinks down. I will let it go tonight, they won't need me, the alcohol will do it's job......

As I expected, all of them are drinking more and more and the alcohol is starting  to work. The other girls are getting looser and starting to giggle more. It's funny to watch them get drunk and I know that this night isn't going to end right...

Daan's POV:
Everybody is starting to get quite drunk, including myself. I see Jill sitting on a chair looking at all our drunk friends, kinda laughing. I think I would laugh as well if I would see all of my friends drunk, while is was sober myself. Just as I think that, Beth comes up to me, coming very close, face to face. A little to close maybe................

Sorry if this chapter was a little long, this one and the 2/3 chapters after this will be quite long as well because there is just a lot of things that I want to talk about. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter! Please leave any suggestions or comments and I will try my best to use them! I think the next chapter will be out tomorrow or Thursday. Byeeeee ❤️

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