Chapter 5: Tris

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I cannot even count the days, I've been here. Days turned to weeks and I've lost track of time. There's not much point in trying to keep track.

David hasn't been doing too much, which makes me feel really uneasy. He has to be scheming. He said he would make me suffer, but he hasn't even touched me. A nurse has been coming in occasionally, checking to make sure my wounds are healing, although I really don't know why he would care if I get healed or not. My chest still hurts, but I get more and more paranoid and worried each day. Worried that I'm trapped in this room for good.

I've been thinking so much and despite my paranoia, I know there has to to some way out, but I haven't found it yet.

I can tell there are guard at the doors around the clock. I could probably jump out of the window, that is if wasn't still injured and the fact I don't know how high up I am. For that matter, I don't have a clue where this building is.


I'm starting to recover better now. I don't ache nearly as much as I have the past few weeks.

I'm gonna escape today. I'm gonna escape through the window. I have to plan it perfectly so I don't get caught. I also have to make sure no guards will be below me.

I've figured out I'm only a couple stories up, but I still don't have any idea of where this building is. All I know is I'm outside the fence, the fence of a corrupt city I once called home.


A couple hours have passed and I think now would be the right time to try and escape. I'm nearly standing up when soldiers come rushing in and pin me to the ground.

As I'm pinned to the ground I don't even notice that David has made an appearance in my room.

"It appears that you are able to move around now," he says with a slight grin creeping on his face, " that means I can imprison you...properly."

"What's-- that-- supposed-- to mean?" I choke out. The guards are cutting off my air.

"It means, dear Beatrice--"

I cut him off. "How do you know my name? And don't you dare call me dear!"

"That's not important now. And I'll call you dear if I want to. As I was explaining before you interrupted me, it means that you'll be in a confinement without the nice luxuries you have in here.You'll finally start receiving your punishment once you are put in there." He explains.

"What kind of punishment?" I shout weakly. The guards have shifted off of me, but I'm still not breathing all the way.

"You'll be... scarred. I haven't worked out all the details, but I know you will be sorry for your father ever stealing your mother away from me. Definitely fro ever taking your brother's place in trying to defy me."

"You don't scare me!" I say with confidence now that my breaths are more even.

"Good." He says, then walks away.
That man is evil, and if he thinks he can scar me, he's wrong. I've been through everything. I've watched my parents die. He can't scar me more than I already have been.

The guards, who I notice are probably only a couple years older than me, drag me to my official place of imprisonment, which turns out to be a room almost exactly like the one Jeanine had me locked away in. The memories start flooding back.

Caleb, the traitor, Peter, the one who saved me, and Tobias, who came because he wouldn't allow me to die on my own.

Tobias is the one thing I'm sure of. I'm not getting out of here to save Caleb the guilt, or even Christina, my best friend, the grief, but because of Tobias. I need him. I don't know if he needs me, but I need him.

Our last words to each other ring through my head like a bell.

I'll see you soon.

If Caleb kept his promise to me, if I didn't make it out of the weapons lab, he should've already told Tobias that I didn't want to leave him. Not that it would make a difference. In his eyes I'm gone. I've been dead for weeks.
I know I shouldve been more careful. I should've listened to Tobias and not have gone on a suicide mission. I wasn't trying to be heroic, and I know I didn't want to die and leave Tobias.


The next day I'm dragged out of my room by the guards. I assume it's for my torture, but who knows, it's David, who I know for a fact is insane.I don't want to be correct, but I am. David is standing in the doorway, waiting for me.

"Good Morning, Beatrice." he says with a very fake smile.

"Hello. I've been thinking, if you say it would be bad for your reputation to kill me, why are you letting everyone else think I'm dead?" I question.

"I have my ways, but first, your to torture will begin." his smile is real now.

He goes over to a table and grabs a needle and what I assume is a serum. Before I can even ask anything the needle plunges into my neck, and every thing goes dark.



(A/N: Sorry it took so long to update, I've been really busy. Thank you guys for actually reading my fanfic :) I was super pumped for Insurgent then I saw the Tris poster and her hair is SO messed up. I get that she cuts it and all, but it's shorter than her Hazel hair and it's cut to her chin in the book. Also her hair is a totally different color. I also saw the Insurgent teaser trailer. 😑😑😑


Sorry for ranting but thanks for all the reads and I'll try to update later this week, but MOCKINGJAY PART 1 IS FRIDAY!!!! So no guarantees. )

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