Chapter 8: Tris

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David is standing in front of Tobias and me, blocking the exit.

"If you thought you could beat me, you're wrong. There's no stopping me! I'm Divergent too, and as you know, Tris, I can't be controlled. But you wouldn't know that, Tobias. After all, you're still genetically damaged." he says with a grin.

I can't believe my ears. I look next to me and see Tobias forming a fist. I touch his shoulder to let him know it's alright.

"Cat got your tongue? Well, there's no need to worry, talking will only make this worse." As soon as he says this guards come from every direction. My head starts spinning.

I can't do this. I think. With Tobias in the state he's in, it would be suicide to try and take all these guards on. I make a tough decision.

"We're done. I give up. You win." I say lifting my hands in surrender.

"What are you doing, Tris?" Tobias questions.

"I'm keeping you-- us-- alive. Trust me, please." I reply.

"Why, dear," he says with a sneer, "you've just made my job a thousand times easier. Take them to their cell." He commands the guards. "Trust me, you two will just adore the cell."

Tobias and I are taken to a cell which seems to get deeper into wherever this place is. This headquarters of sorts seems to go on forever.

"What are we going to do now?" He cries. "I was supposed to save you. I was--" I cut him off with a kiss. This familiar gesture seems to help him, as he kisses me back.

"It's alright. We're together now, that's all that matters. You're all that matters." I start to cry, and he pulls me into his chest. The familiar smell of of soap and swear calms me. I've missed it.

"Tobias, I've missed you so much. Nothing is the same without out you. I love you so much."

"I love you, Beatrice Prior."

"Beatrice, really?" I kind of give him a disgusted look and chuckle.

"Thought I'd give it another go. Still doesn't work?"

I shake my head. "No, but nice try."


Hey guys. 1.16k reads!!! Thank you guys so much!! I love you all. I'm a horrible person for not updating for so long, but I was just stuck on what to write. My friend, you know who you are, gave me some ideas:) I got the collectors edition of Divergent in hardcover, it's so amazing!! The Insurgent trailer, is nowhere near 😑😢. They screwed up so much just in the trailer and let me say, that takes talent. I don't care that Insurgent didn't have "enough" action. I like Insurgent the way it is, who cares about action. That's not the point of the book. The point is emotional rather that a ton of combat, but there's plenty in the book for them not to add a ton of crap. Then the box, really guys? Is it that hard to do what's in the book. All that aside, I can deal with it.

But the intimacy fear 😑 c'mon guys. That's a HUGE thing and she's not ready until the end of Allegiant. Let's be real guys, they've only real known each other for a few weeks at this point. And they're still finding out secrets about each other in Allegiant.

But nothing I can do.

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