Chpt 4:Luca

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Chapter 4: Luca Cast: Luca, Sabrina, Ping

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Chapter 4: Luca
Cast: Luca, Sabrina, Ping

Although I never imagined going on a date with a guy, Here I am in my room getting ready to go shopping for the date with Sabrina and Ping. I think the weirdest part is that I'm going on a date with one of best friends brother. It's also kinda weird because I never imagined him to be gay, I remember the days when I'd visit Sabrina for a sleepover. Sabrina and her brother used to share a room so whenever I slept over we would all be in the same room. Me and Sabrina would laugh and play cards on the bed and there was her brother playing the game all night and all day sometimes he would bring over his home boys and they would play the XBOX with him. Chip bags and Soda cans would fill the room like a typical straight boy. What turnt him gay? Even though he never did mention liking girls. Me and him never talked much anyways I always thought he was a douche bag. Maybe he's just gay "for me" because there were times that Sabrina would leave the room and he would sometimes glance at me licking his lips I didn't think much of it at the time because I thought he was just trying to moisturize his crusty ass lips. Wait! or maybe this is all just some twisted joke Sabrina came up with?!?! No never mind..... Sabrina is too kind for something like that. She literally won dozens of awards for being the sweetest student in school. everyone would call her "sweet fat bitch" all in middle school.

I looked in the mirror to see that I'm fully dressed,I smell my armpits to make sure they smell fine. Which they do. Then I examine my hair which looks fine as well. After a few seconds of examining my look cause ya know I love art so I gotta look like a masterpiece everywhere I go, I finally sit down on my bed and text Sabrina that I'm ready to go. A few seconds later she replies that she and Ping are on their way to pick me up.

I lay down facing the ceiling to continue thinking about this whole going on a date with Sabrina's Brother thing. Whatever the reason is that her brother turnt gay is beyond me. All I do know is that he's not really my type. He isn't ugly but like if it were up to me I still wouldn't be going out with him even if he is gay or whatever. Let's just say this If I were straight I would go out with Sabrina but it's different with him he just looks like some typical white boy no offense. But I'm willing to try because

A.) Sabrina would cry if I didn't at least try to go out with him B.) Ping would cuss me out telling me that I had just let my knight in shining armor pass me by and C.) Because Ping is right I could possibly be passing up my knight in shining armor. So the only thing left to do is try.

I hear a knock at my bedroom door and I get up to see my mother standing there "Hey look at you." she says smiling while coming over to pinch my cheek. "Ow that hurts" I chuckled. "Well Ping and Sabrina is outside in the car waiting for you on this friend date" she tells me "oh okay thanks" I quickly look in the mirror again and run out the front door to see Ping in the driver seats chatting with Sabrina who's in the passenger seat.

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