Chpt 10:Luca

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Response. It's a thing we're all looking for these days. Response to why are parents are so strict, response to why life has to be so hard or even a response as simple as why McDonald's ice cream machine never works properly?!? However in my case I'm waiting for a response from Nash. Like how long does it have to take to read my message 😭?

*Bing* I hear a notification and grab my phone and see that it's just a news notification telling me JoJo Siwa just finished her "D.R.E.A.M" tour.

I roll my eyes at the irrelevant notification and notice everything around me is silent and eyes are on me. I look up from my phone to see the teacher, Mr. Gaze gazing at me with blood red eyes.
"Luca put down your phone this instance" He shouts at me. Around me people start to chuckle "Yeah stop texting your boyfriend ya faggot" one of them says. I groan and put my phone away and Mr. gaze turns around furiously and continues his lame ass lecture on climate change. I really wish I could gain the strength to finally put a end to all these homophobic comments. I'm also really tired of how every time a homophobic comment is made the teacher acts as though nothing even happened. If it were up to me I'd kick all the homophobic bullies asses up this school. What's stopping me is my fear, my fear of how if I tried to defend myself I would get ganged up on. Only Ping could help me out with something but she's not around me 24/7 to protect me if they decided to jump me. *Bing* I grin a little hoping it's nash so I sneakily flip my phone over to see a notification coming from Nash. After he said he was cool with being more than friends he gave me his number because he says he didn't like the tinder app. Too many hoes he said lol. I open Nash's message to see:

Nash: *Wyd?*

Luca: * Nun just in this boring class, took you long enough to respond*
Clearly I'm teasing him....
Nash: * I'm in class Luca lmao*
Luca: * I know I'm kidding but how's Gustavo?*
Nash: * He's fine just tryna recover lol how's Ping?*
Luca: *Fine, she's better but still heartbroken about the situation*

Which is true, Ping is way better than that day at the funeral it took her some time to open up to me and Sabrina there was a couple of days where she would sit at a different lunch table just to get some space. But recently she's been cool, which I completely understand she loved her dad to death to the shoes.

Nash: *That's great*
Luca: *Yeah*
Nash: * So since we're both bored in class how bout we play iMessage Games?*
Luca: *Totally*
Nash: *Watch as I bake yo ass in 8-ball*

I blush at how oblivious my bf is to how I'm better than him at 8-ball (And yes I called him my boyfriend got a problem? Cuz I'm not afraid to throw hands. 🤗)

After a couple rounds of 8-ball with Nash it comes into conclusion that I'm that champion of 8-ball.

Luca: * What was that about you baking my ass in 8-ball? 😛*
Nash: * You just got lucky*
Luca: * Aww it's okay admit I'm your little twink 💅🤣*
Nash: * twink?*
Luca: * oh my God lolll you know what? You're gonna have to look this gay term up on your own*
I giggle once I send the message,
"Is there something funny here Luca?" Mr Gaze says gazing into my soul, I'm really starting to get why his name is Mr Gaze. I quickly hide my phone scared for my life and grin "no not at all, just taking notes" I start pretending to take notes from the board. He groans and continues the lecture. I sigh a breath of relief and check my phone to see no notification from Nash and immediately I sigh sadly.

After what feels like hours of lecture and homophobic comments, The bell finally rings and I quickly shove my phone in my jacket pocket, place my backpack on my back and run out the classroom. I'm so ready to hang with my girls Ping and Sabrina and get some lunch boy how I'm tired of school, I'd leave everything at this school if I could excluding Ping and Sabrina. Anyways once I get to the lunch cafeteria I sit my stuff down on the table to the lonely ass corner in back of the cafeteria, Sabrina picked this spot to be our meeting place in the cafeteria because she says the corner is where all weirdos go. Yeah.... Sabrina watches too many geeky high school movies.... Once I place my stuff on the table I walk up to the lunch lind I try my best to squeeze myself pass the crowded ass cafeteria so I can get in the lunch line for cheese pizza cuz that's the only I'll eat from this bitch which the rest of the food is digusting.

As I'm shoving my way to the lunch line I find Sabrina getting pushed on from two girls trying to get the last two slices of cheese pizza, I chuckle at the scene but then I recall my traditions "aw hell nah" I shout and head butt my way through them to get the last two slices of pizza. Ass was kicked, faces were slapped and wigs were snatched just for those last two slices of pizza. Clearly I won the two for me and Sabrina.... Yeah I may have overdramatize that. I was too wussy to do anything so me and Sabrina were stuck with eating leftover chicken and waffles in the "daily special meal" line. It was a depressing moment for us both. Once we got out of line we went to sit at our table to see ping chumping down on three cheese pizzas. "Where the heck did you get that?" I ask puzzled. "Some Asian lunch lady said she knew my father back in the day, said he gave her bomb ass dick at the age of 14 so she wanted to reward his daughter" she says nonchalantly eating pizza slowly while closing her eyes. "Uhh nice?" Sabrina responds nervously. And I don't even say anything because I don't even know how to process what she just said.

After we 12 minutes of us eating and talking about the great memories of Pings father, Sabrina finally confesses. "Guys can I tell u something important"
"Yeah sure" I respond. Sabrina bites her lips a little, something she does when she's nervous. "Luca you're gay right?" Sabrina asks "um duh!?! he be taking dick 24/7" exclaims ping. I chuckle at her response "oh wait- let me rephrase that I meant imaginary dick cuz he never can get a boyfriend" Ping starts busting out laugh as I just groan at her silly comment. "Ping stop being mean to Luca he's trying his best. But can I finish what I was gonna say???" Pouts Sabrina turing red. "Yeah sure Sabrina" I say grinning.

"Well-.... What if I think I might be bisexual?"

"Ew you're a faggot too?!?" Exclaims a guy behind her making a disgusted face.
Instantly my blood starts to boil and suddenly I stand up out of seat and everyone's eyes turns to me. "You can make fun of me all you all want about how I act, how I walk or what I like but now you crossed a line if start trying to harass my friend. There's nothing wrong with being gay. Love is love and if you have a problem with us you can go to straight to hell!" I shout echoing across the whole cafeteria. Everything is silent until Ping stands up and starts to chant
"Say it with me love is love love is love" suddenly the whole cafeteria even the staff is chanting "love is love" me and Sabrina also joins in after processing what's happening but that all changes when the principal comes into the cafeteria. "What's up with all this noise?" He says all mean faced. Everyone stops chanting and sits down in their chairs as staff gets back to work. "All you students will be removed from prom this year and for the staff your payment will shorten this week for this ridiculous situation 😡" he exclaims pacing out the room. People start to groan all across the cafeteria. "Thanks a lot Luca" says the bully. But who cares about prom tho? Ew.

2 hours later I'm out of school I decided to go to the park for alone time, That's when I hear a notification go off on my phone. It's Nash.

I open it to see he finally got back to my recent message:

Nash: * Twink means a young man in his late teens to early twenties whose traits may include: general physical attractiveness; little to no body or facial hair; a slim to average build; and a youthful appearance that may belie an older chronological age.*
Luca: * Err yeah?*
Nash: *I copied and pasted from Wikipedia 🤣*
Luca: * of course ya did 😂*
Nash: * yeah so wyd?*
Luca: *Just got out of school... I finally stood up to the homophobic bullies at my school 💅*
Nash: *Great 😂 I'm proud of you*
Luca: * Hey Nash?*
Nash: *Yeah?*
Luca: * You know I fell in love with you ever since that day at Ping's funeral you were such a big help so thank you. 💙*
Nash: * no problem and thx for helping me when Gustavo got shot 😂*
Luca: * Uh huh*
Nash: * 👀💍*
Luca: * what's that mean?*
Nash: types then stops
Luca: * Want me to be your boyfriend?*
I blush as I send that message
Nash: *That's not what I was finna say...*
Luca: *oh oops sry 😬*
Nash*..... But I wouldn't mind the idea 😓*


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