Chapter 5

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"I force myself to accept things that I'm not okay with"

The whole drive Desmond and Dana laughed and joked and listened to music. They both had a secret obsession with T-Pains Buy You A Drink because according to them it just never seems to get old. So they listened to it on repeat several times. 

"Imma Buy you a drank...And IIIIIIIIIII...Imma take you home with me." they both sang out in unison laughing 

"Damn Dana I almost don't wanna go to this kickback because I'm having so much fun with you right now." Desmond said as he gripped Dana's hand. 

Danas stomach began to do summersaults when she felt how nicely his had fit over hers like a glove. Their interaction has always been so easy.

"I know, I'm so glad I came out with. I'm really feeling you heavy. It's crazy." 

Dana quickly covered her mouth feeling like she just revealed way too much and would scare Desmond away. 

"Really?! I'm feeling you heavy. Who talks like that. You such a loser. You have officially ruined any chance that you have with him." Dana thought to herself as an uncomfortable silence had filled the car.

As Desmond approached a stoplight he leaned over, grabbed Dana's face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"The feeling is mutual" he said with a smirk as he licked his lips tasting the strawberry lipgloss that transferred onto his lips from Dana's as they arrived at their destination. 

Dana was is shock because she had no idea Desmond felt that way about her but she was relieved that he did. 

Once Desmond parked the car they noticed the swarm of people flooding the building. 

"Des, I thought this was supposed to be a small kickback- Only a few people. This is a legit party"  Dana said watching the crowd with noticeable fear in her voice.

Desmond saw how nervous Dana got and he wanted to ease her worries. Desmond genuinely liked Dana and he could see a future with her so he would never intentionally put her in a dangerous situation. Desmond Just wanted Dana to truly live and enjoy her life.  He know's the pressure that you falls on preachers kids and he just wanted Dana to see that she could live holy but still live. Desmond reached over and grabbed Dana's hand and gently began to rub the back of her hand with her thumb. Dana looked him and instantly felt herself relax at hit touch.

"Look, I want you to have fun but I don't want  you to do anything that your are not comfortable with. If you want to leave we can." Desmond said sincerely.

 Dana did not speak she sat thinking about what exactly she wanted to do.

Desmond spoke once more as he gripped her hand a little tighter. " Look, I give you my word that I won't let anything happen to you. I will protect you no matter what. As long as I am around you will never have to worry about anything."

Dana searched his eyes for any signs that he may be lying but all she saw was the genuine, kind and sweet spirit that she met a little over a year ago. 

"You really mean that?" Dana asked although she already knew the answer. 

"Today and everyday after until the end of time. I promise I got you." 

Without even thinking Dana reached over and returned the same gentle yet passionate kiss that she had received from Desmond. 

"Well let's do it then Clyde." Dana laughed excitedly 

"Who is Clyde? Dana what are you talking about?" Desmond asked genuinely confused.

"Bonnie and Clyde... Partners in crime. I got you, you got me. Get  it." Dana replied laughing way too hard at her own joke. 

"HAHAHAHA good one." Desmond said sarcastically 

"It's a good thing your jokes aren't what made me fall for you." Desmond joked as he got out of the car and walked to the other side to open Dana's door for her.

"Oh bite me" Dana said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Maybe later...for right now let's go have some fun."


Dana and Desmond have been at the party for almost 3 hours and she's having the time of her life. She met a lot of Desmonds friends and they all get along so well. For the first time in a long time Dana actually felt normal. She was truly enjoying her life. Most of the night was spent dancing, singing, talking and laughing.  Dana even had a drink or two although, that's all Desmond would allow her to have. He wanted her to have fun but he also wasn't going to let her go crazy because he's seen first hand the dark path people can find themselves on when they go crazy after getting a small taste of freedom. 

As they were hanging out Dana got a text from her mom.

Momma: Hey honey, just checking on you. We should be home in an hour. Do you need anything?

As Dana read the message she began to panic because she new it would about 45 minutes for her to get home as long as there is no traffic. That means she has to leave like yesterday to ensure that she beats her parents home. 

Dana: Hey momma, no i'm fine. I hope you guys are having a great time. I will see you when you get home. 

As soon as she sent the text message she immediately got Desmond's attention and told him that they had to go or else she would get caught sneaking out. Desmond was speed demon so it took him what seemed like time at all to get Dana home. 

" I had such a great time with you tonight. Too bad we had to cut it short." Desmond said a little disappointed. 

"I know. I had so much fun with you too. I would love to do it again sometime." 

"We can definitely arrange for that to happen." Desmond said with a smirk. He then leaned in and gave Dana a deep and passionate kiss. 

"Go ahead and get in the house. I'll wait until you get in before I leave." Desmond told her.

"Okay goodnight Des. I had a great time. I'll talk to you later." Dana said as she got out of the car. 

Dana made into the house with ten minutes to spare. She ran upstairs and threw on some pajamas and put on her favorite movie and fast forwarded her favorite movie to the end. She then made a cup of chamomile tea and a sandwich. Dana quickly drank half her tea burning the roof of her mouth and then devouring more than half of her sandwich. She then grabbed the bottle of Tylenol and removed the top and placed is on her dresser. Dana wanted to make sure that when her parents walked in her room- because it was inevitable that they would- she wanted to make sure that it gave the illusion that she was home all night and that she was in fact sick. As dana comfortably positioned herself in her bed she heard parents walk through the front door and make their way upstairs. 

"Hey babygirl how are you feeling?" Dana's dad asked as both parents walked into her room. 

"I'm fine. I tried to stay up so I could make sure I said goodnight to you guys. I think I'm going to head to bead." Dana said in a faint voice

"Oh sweetie, we are going to let you get some rest. We love you." Her mom said 

"I love you guys too." 

Dana's parents walked out of her room and Dana silently celebrated the fact that she managed to sneak out and have the time of her life and not get caught. This was going to be the start of a new Dana. She was was  going to start living her life and nothing or no one would stop her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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