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~Akira's P.O.V

My story begins with the origin of how a baby was born with a bright light in Qing Qing city. That light is how people with a special gene called "quirks" were discovered, but no one knew why. But even so, as about 80% of people are effected with quirks, the whole world starts to feel like you're in a comic book. But this... this is my story.

My name is Akira Haruko, I have a pretty awesome life with my parents when I was growing up. When I was a kid, I always dreamed of becoming a hero like my parents and dreaming of enrolling into U.A. High school, where all the future heroes are aiming to become pros.

My Dad became a pro hero after he graduated from U.A. He used to work for the police agency until he decided to keep his job as a pro hero and he owns his own agency. He is the number 14 pro hero in all of Japan; known for tracking down villains in a blink of a eye with his enhanced senses.

As for my Mom, she used to be a pro hero too and that's how the two of them met. They've been dating for a really long time before they got married. After my Mom gave birth to me, she decided to retire so she can focus on taking care of the family while my Dad still works as a pro hero.


I was born with a set of permanent wolf ears and a tail which I inherited from my Dad. Not only that, I was born with both human blood and werewolf blood. The story of how I got my quirks manifested was like this. The story of how I got my mom's telekinesis happened when I was three years old.

I was feeling tired so Mom decided to take me to my room for my nap. I wanted to sleep with my stuffed bunny my Grandma had made for me on my first birthday. After she carried me to bed, I stared at my bunny and my Mom was about to go get it for me when suddenly a soft blue glow appears around it. My hands reach for it and it started to move towards me all on its own making me grab it and hug it close. My Mom was so shocked and surprised by what she just saw and after that, I got taken to the doctor.

She told the doctor about what happened with me and after they did some tests on me, they told her I got my Mom's quirk: telekinesis.


I was an early bloomer when I got my Dad's werewolf quirk. The first part of my second quirk happened, back then when I was still three. Before my telekinesis quirk manifested, my parents told the doctor that I was able to control my werewolf quirk just fine by changing into a wolf and switching back. Sometimes I change into a wolf whenever I got cranky, it kinda happened quite a bit. Because of the drawbacks of my werewolf quirk, I had quite a huge appetite and no matter how much I ate, I always asked for more.

Suddenly, everything changed for me when I turned five. It happened at the time after Izuku and I became best friends.

Izuku and I were in the playground at school when Bakugo and his friends walked up to us. One of Bakugo's friends start to bully me by pulling on my ear and it hurt when he did that. I told him to stop but he didn't listen as he kept pulling on my ear before reaching for my hair and yanking it. Izuku tried to step in to help me but Bakugo stood in his way because Izuku didn't have a quirk. Right as I told Bakugo's friend to stop it, the second part of my werewolf quirk had suddenly kicked in and I accidentally clawed his ear.

Me and my Mom along with the kid and his parents met up with the teachers in the principal's office after the nurse took care of his ear. I was scared that I didn't know what happened to me, it felt like my werewolf quirk just somehow activated out of nowhere. The principal asked me what happened and I told him everything and that it was an accident. I even apologized and told him that I have two quirks and he understood me.

But the kid's parents started to blame me about how their kid could've end up losing his ear. My Mom defended me and apologized to them so after a bit of convincing, they decided to let that slide.

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