Chapter 11: Battle at the USJ Part 2

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~Akira's P.O.V

Well so far in this situation, I got some good news and some bad news. I'll start with the bad news first.

The bad news is that some of our classmates that got caught by the shadow's warp are separated and warped into the different zones in the USJ. While 13 and the rest are still stuck with the shadow at the entrance.

The good news is that I'm pretty sure I heard that 13's plan is for Iida to escape and run back to the school on foot to get help. If Iida can make it out, we have a chance..

I hope.


As the four of us walk away from the shipwreck zone, I turn my head and look over my shoulder at the villains all stuck together floating in a huge pile.

"Heh. I had a good poop this morning which made my balls stickier; they're not going anywhere." Mineta chuckles as he's being dragged by Tsu grabbing his collar on his cape while I walk beside Izuku.

"Like I said before, I knew your pop-offs would come in handy." I comment with a smirk while still looking back at the huge villain pile behind us.

Izuku starts to mutter at himself which I kinda deadpan at. "Can't believe we managed to get all of them at once. It took everything I had to keep my composure. It was such a gamble but what if it had reserves underwater that we didn't know."

"You're freaking me out, stop it please.." Tsu says with a dark aura surrounding her, he stops and we all glance at her. "Instead of second-guessing what we did, shouldn't we think about our next move?"

"Yeah, you're totally right."

Izuku agrees but his face contorts into pain by his two broken fingers. I stare at his hand in concern and I gently take my hands in his, trying not to push the pain too hard.

"Izuku, are you okay?" I ask with worry in my eyes while observing his injury also while he tries to suck up the pain.

"Yeah, I'm alright Akira, it's gonna okay. I can still fight but I'm not letting this pain stop me." Izuku comforts me by putting his right hand on both of my hands and we smiled at each other along with both of our cheeks starting a light blush.

"Are you okay?" Tsu asks him in concern.

He slides the elbow pad on his shoulder to his left hand covering up his broken fingers. "Yeah fine, don't worry about me. We should make getting help our top priority. If we follow the shore to the exit, then we can avoid the central plaza entirely." He says pointing out in the direction where the entrance is.

"Good idea, that way we don't run into the villains Mr.Aizawa's facing off with there." Tsu says and agrees.

I nod my head in agreement with her as my wolf ears are picking up sounds of the fight between Mr.Aizawa and the villains. 'I can't believe he's still fighting those bad guys out there. But how long he is going to keep this up?'

'Yeah but..can he handle them on his own? How long can he hold out against a big group like that?' Izuku stares out at the plaza in thought. "If he doesn't get some back up, then he's going to overexert himself. He'll end up being defeated by those villains because he was trying to keep us safe." He says nervously which made us stare at him.

"Wait, don't tell me you're suggesting..are you trying to get us killed or something?" Mineta asks Izuku in complete seriousness.

I stare at my best friend from beside me as he reassures to us. "I'm not saying that we should jump into the middle of a battle. But..maybe we can find a way to take a few of these guys out and lighten his load." He suggests before looking out ahead of the plaza.

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