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LUKE HEMMINGS WAS getting really fucking sick of himself. What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just not care? Why was he sitting here at a hospital waiting for news on Zain Dhanial, the asshole that broke his heart?

It remained a mystery to him.

The bigger mystery? Why had Austin Powell shown up even after Luke had clearly been avoiding him? Don't get him wrong, Luke loved Austin. He was a great a guy. But was he in love with Austin? That had yet to be decided, so, when Austin just randomly popped the question, Luke had panicked and said he'd have to think about it. Thank God that Austin hadn't asked in public, or else Luke would have felt obligated to say yes sooner than he had. Now he wanted so badly to take it back. It just sucked that Austin was so sure of their relationship when Luke wasn't. And he was so pushy about it. Austin pushed Luke into a lot of things.

This was not one of those things Luke would just back down over.

He needed time to think about this — about everything. Could he see himself with Austin for the rest of his life? That was the sad thing. The answer to that question, no matter how badly Luke wanted it to be yes, was no. He could not. Could he grow to want that? Possibly, but not if Austin kept shoving it down his throat.

"What are you doing here?", he asked the other blonde warily, scrunching his nose in distaste.

"Michael said you were here with Zain, so I came as quick as I could. He didn't do anything to you, did he?" There should have been sincerity, concern, in those honey colored eyes, but there was none. Luke was reminded of Daisy calling Austin a clout chaser.

"No, Austin, unlike you Zain doesn't try and hurt me in any way when he's drunk." Whether than handling him roughly or trying to talk him out of his pants, Zain just wanted to cuddle. Austin on the other hand was an angry drunk. And Luke was always stuck making excuses for his actions.

"Whatever", Austin mumbled. "Can we just go now?"

Luke waved a hand dismissively, not in the mood for Austin's foolishness. "After I talk to Z."

"For what? It's not like he would do the same for you." Luke wanted to believe that he would. "Come on, Luke, Zain doesn't care about anyone else, you know that. He's a piece of shit." So was he.

Luke sighed heavily, leaning his head against the wall. He was so sick of everyone telling him what to do. "No one told you to come here, Austin. You can leave. I'm staying right here until—"

"Mr. Hemmings?"


"Right this way, please." Luke followed the doctor without hesitation, not even sparing Austin a second glance. The latter slumped down in defeat, glaring at anyone in the waiting area that dared to look his way.

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