Push or Pull

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Olivia's POV

       "Olivia I need you to stay on the line with me." I heard Howard say into the phone.

       "No, I can't, Uncle Bucky has to return the phone to Ryan before he realizes it missing..." I explained. 

       "Olivia!" I heard Bucky's voice yell behind me. Someone grabbed the phone and gripped my arm harshly. 

       "You have no idea what you've done! Do you!?" Ryan was twisting me around to make me look at him. He threw the phone to the ground and punched my face hard. I fell to the ground and looked back at him. "Take this one to the chair, wipe him." 

       Bucky screamed as the men holding him back took him away. "Olivia run!" He yelled at me. "Get out of here, Now!" I stood up and tried to book it towards the door. 

       "Bucky!" I yelled trying to run after him.
       "No. Olivia! RUN!" He yelled back. I heard a gun shot and pain spread through my right shoulder. I pressed my left hand to it and fell to the ground. Bucky was pulled out of my sight and Ryan grabbed hold of me.
       "You really think your mommy is gonna come and save you?" He questioned pulling me up and out of the big room I was being held in. "Have really not figured out who we are? You haven't realised what we did to you?" He brought me closer to his face, so close that I could feel my eyelashes swaying as he breathed. He onto my arm tighter and pulled me up a flight of stairs.

As we walked I could feel myself fading in and out if consciousness. The pain shooting through my arm and chest was unbearable. Ryan kept pulling me up stairs and down long hallways. We passed tons of guards and people dressed from head to toe in black. There was a symbol, black and red. I only saw the colors but it looked so vile. So violating. Everyone wore masks and didn't even send us a glance as we quickly passed by.

We climbed another staircase and that's when I heard it. An alarm started going off in the building. "Shit!" Ryan muttered. He began to walk faster, holding me tighter and pulling me along.

We entered the next stairway only to hear shouting from the floor above. "Shit!" Ryan screamed. He slammed my hand into the stair railing and threw me to the ground. I screamed out as he paced in front of me.

I heard the door open and voices from the above level. "Colonel I want in. It's my daughter we're here to save!" I heard a women's voice say. Mom... She came for me! They're here to take me home!

I opened my mouth to scream for her when Ryan covered it and pulled me up. "Say one word, and I'll kill you myself." I felt cold metal press against my back as we began moving back down the stairs.

After climbing back down a few flights there were footsteps following swiftly behind us. Ryan turned and smiled profusely at the person, then proceeded to release me. I felt another hand grab me and lift me as if I were as light as a feather. I turned and saw Bucky standing behind me. "Bucky." I whimpered.

"Take her to the edge." Ryan said. Bucky began moving back up the stairs and held my arm tighter. At this point I had been shot in the shoulder, I'm pretty sure my wrist is broken and my ankle had been twisted. I knew that my mom was here, but I wasn't sure if she'd be able to get to me.

"Bucky, Mom's here! She's here to get me out, please!" I cried, his grip got tighter at the sound of his name. We continued up the stairs until we got to the top level. He kicked it open and fought off a few men that seemed to be guarding the door.

"Olivia!" I heard a voice call. I turned my head and saw Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan running towards us. As he got closer I could see the look of surprise on his face. "James? Is that you!?" He questioned. Bucky just kept walking as if he hadn't heard him say anything. Tim stepped in front of him and Bucky threw him to the side.

"Bucky!" I screamed as he dropped me to the ground. He turned on his heels and went back towards Timothy. I sat up and looked at him. He looked determined to kill. He was going to kill. Tim! My mind shouted. I stood up and pressed my hand to my shoulder. Blood was pouring out. "Tim, look out!" He immediately turned around just as Bucky punched him into the ground.

I ran tried running over to them but couldn't because of my ankle. I slowly walked towards them, watching as Bucky threw punch after punch at Tim. Once I reached him I grabbed his fist and held it back. He turned to me and picked me up by my neck. "Bucky you need to stop, you're gonna kill someone."

He looked me dead in the eye and started walking away from the base. His grip tighten around my neck as he walked. I didn't know where we were headed, but I knew it wasn't anywhere good. This wasn't the Bucky I knew: this wasn't the Bucky my dad grew up with. This was they're Bucky. The people with the black and white symbol's Bucky.

I don't know how, but somehow they were controlling him. Making him do what they wanted. "Uncle Bucky." I tried to say through my loss of breath. He stopped walking and I could feel wind flowing up from underneath my body. In an attempt to look down, I spotted my mother. She was looking at us frantically.

"Olivia!" I heard her shout. I stared for a moment before feeling Bucky's grip loosen on me. I took a deep breath and looked down. Bucky was holding me over a cliff, and a very large one at that. Mom started running towards us and was shortly joined by Howard.

Bucky's grip started getting looser and looser as they got closer. I brought both hands up to hold onto his. Looking into his eyes, I saw no expression on his face. "Bucky." I whimpered, tears beginning to flood my eyes. I could heard Mom and Howards footsteps getting closer and closer. However, I knew that I was going to fall before they could reach me.

I held strong onto his hand as it unraveled from my neck. I could feel my arms giving out, but I still held on. "Olivia!" I heard Mom scream again. I looked in their direction just as my body began to fail me. I let go. "No!" I heard feeling wind rush against my back. I looked down towards the "ground" and saw something sticking out of the ice.

A branch.

It wasn't very big, but it would have to do. I quickly reached my arm out not caring if I got hurt or not, I just couldn't die right now. Luckily my wish came true. I caught hold of the branch and held tightly to it. "Olivia!" I heard someone yell in complete agony. I reached my other arm up to get a better hold. Once there I looked up and no longer saw Bucky.

My vision was going blurry as I looked up towards the top of the cliff. I hadn't fallen that far, but I could feel myself growing weaker. My shoulder bleed through the shirt I was wearing and the pressure on my wrist was becoming more and more intense with each passing second. "Olivia!" I heard someone call from above. I turned my head and saw the figure of a man peering down at me. "She's hanging! She's still here!" He shouted.

There was tons of chatter and then the voice called down to me again. "Olivia, hang on sweetheart! We're coming for you."

I heard more chatter and then saw a women peek down. "Olivia, can you hear me sweety?" Mom. I realized. I nodded my head and felt my grip begin to weaken. "Talk to me honey."

"Mom. I can't hold on for much longer." I said loud enough for them to hear.

"It's okay." She slid further towards me and reached out a hand. Her whole body was hanging off the edge. I tried reaching one of my hands and missed. "It's okay sweety. Try again." I tried again and missed. "One more. Your almost there."

I reached again and felt a hand catch mine. "I gotcha. Pull me up!" She yelled." Her grip was strong and firm against mine. I could feel us being slowly lifted until I heard a snap. My wrist.

Pain shot through my arm and I let go of the hand. "No!" I heard Mom shout. I felt the wind again and tears rush down my face. "I love you." I whispered to myself. The ground got closer and closer. I felt all the pain running through me as if there was a race going on inside my body. Closer and Closer.

Then, Nothing.

Word Count: 1544

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