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<< yeha i don't know what i'm going anyways here yah go. also, i just used latin for the spells because it's simple and makes more sense rather than making up words or just keyboard smashing-- >>

Merlin gave a long suffering sigh, collapsing backwards into a chair.

"He's such an idiot!" He complained, throwing up his hands with a dramatic flourish, dropping them behind the back of the chair, glaring at Gaius, but his anger wasn't directed to the elder.

"Ah, what has Arthur done now?"

"He's gone and agreed to hunt the chimera! Remember how those townsfolk came and asked us to hunt down the beast that was terrorizing their village? Yeah, well, that's what it sounded like. Body and head of a lion, a goats head on it's back, a serpent for a tail, and wings of an eagle. Oh, and it breathes fire."

"And how is that bad?" There was a crunching sound as Gaius crushed dried herbs in the bowl with a pestle, looking at Merlin curiously.

Merlin groaned and dropped his head back, talking with difficulty up towards the ceiling. "Because he's set on not taking me with him, saying 'this is not a quest for servants'. If I can't convince him to let me go, I'll have to figure out some other way to follow him."

"Don't you have wings, Merlin?" Gaius responded, looking down at his bowl, more crunching sounds following.

"I-- Well, yes, but I haven't flown in a while, and-- well, uh." He inhaled, looking at Gaius and crossing his arms over his chest. "What if he sees me?"

"You've somehow managed to avoid getting caught using magic so far, so I think there is a large chance you won't get caught this time." Gaius comforted, smiling at Merlin.

Merlin sighed loudly again, rubbing his hands over his face. "It's worth a shot, I guess."

"When is he leaving?"


"Then you'd best get ready. Oh, and maybe come up with a reason by the time you get back, for when Arthur asks why his room is as dirty as it was before."

"Thanks, Gaius."


Merlin sighed and stood in the forest, looking up at the night sky. He had decided to walk out of Camelot, and hide somewhere in the forest before taking flight, since it would be easier to avoid getting seen. It's not like he would have been suspected, of being some strange flying monster anyways, but it was best to be safe.

"Here goes nothing." He murmured, then his eyes swirled with the usual glowing gold.

Two glowing golden lines started to be almost drawn down his back, starting near where his neck met his spine, and ending at his hips. He hissed softly as the lines grew brighter, and then spirals of the same magic started to spiral out, flowing gracefully through the air while binding together, forming elegant feathers, until finally, it all stopped.

Now, spreading from Merlin's back were regal, glowing, beautiful glowing wings that fluttered slightly when a small breeze whistled through the trees.

"Ouch." He mumbled, his back still stinging slightly, but the pain was ebbing, and he was ready for flight.

Surprisingly enough, his clothes hadn't torn, the wings just seeming to merge with his brown jacket, but he could feel them on his back. Shrugging, he spread said wings out, starting to flutter them, then move them in larger beats, lifting off the ground and into the air, and then finally above the trees.

"Oh, uh--" He held his hands out and summoned to him the map in his room, the path to the village marked with a gold line.

"Here we go."

ONLY FOR YOU // Merlin/Merthur OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now