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The next coupon got used at a party.

Yes, at a party.

It certainly seemed like a weird place to use one, and more so than that, a more weird place to have them on him. However, parties often came with some sort of obligation of being a helpful person (at least, in Betty's case) so she considered it might not be so far-fetched that Jughead had the forethought to know he'd be asked to clean and want to squeeze out of it, forcing Betty to take his job of Solo Cup pick-up or collecting candy wrappers.

Or, so she convinced herself.

Veronica was throwing a fantastic Halloween Bash and she told Betty that she was obligated to come. Since Archie would be there and it was a place Jughead was familiar with (He knew the exits, knew where to go if the noise was overwhelming, had a cat friend to pet), Betty was adamant that Jughead was going to be in attendance. If she was getting dragged out of their apartment on Halloween, so was Jughead.

"I'm not going in costume," Jughead said, narrowing his eyes as he searched through the cabinet for food, "Did you eat my last PopTart?"

"Sorry! I was running late yesterday," Betty winced. Jughead turned back around, clutching his heart.

"This is an offense of the deepest degree, Cooper," He said gravely, "And I think that because of this, not only do you owe me a PopTart, but I won't hear you argue about me going dressed as anything but myself." He said slyly, already anticipating that Betty was going to bother him about this. How lame was it that he wasn't going as something else? This was the one day a year it was socially acceptable to go outside in a ballgown or with blood dripping down your cheeks or dressed as your favorite movie character!

Betty had been called old-fashioned before, and she mostly agreed, but sometimes Jughead was just a stick in the mud!

"I'll agree about the whole PopTart-gate thing," Betty said, having already planned to restock the little blue box, "But it's a Halloween party! You'll look weird if you're wearing just that. You know that Veronica's going to make you wear a costume."

"Ye of little faith," Jughead shook his head, "You think I'd be bullied by a Lodge?"

"I think Veronica can make anyone do anything if she sets her mind to it," Betty guffawed, "We could always go in a...pair." The words slipped from her mouth before she could stop them.

Jughead frowned at her, his face indecipherable.

"Not like a romantic pair," Betty hurriedly added, "We could go as a platonic pair. Like Mulder and Scully-,"

"People have shipped those two for years. They should basically just be married."

"Okay, not a good example," Betty realized, wincing, "What about like...Woody and Jesse from Toy Story?"

"Uhm, aren't those two together? They're the cowgirl and cowboy one, right?" Jughead said, scratching his nose.

"Excuse me, Jesse is with Buzz. Duh," Betty said, crossing her arms, "I'm just saying, maybe you not going as a singular-dressed person might make it better?"

"I feel like you're going to strong-arm me into this anyway."

"You're right," Betty said, ginning at herself, "But only because if I don't choose something for you, Veronica will and you do not want to know what ideas she has."

Veronica had no current solid ideas, but Betty shuddered to think of what she'd dream up to put Jughead in.

Jughead realized this too with a look of horror, "Fine," He finally relented, "Just don't make me look stupid."

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