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The news eventually took to Archie and he took it gleefully. Of course, the remaining trio spent the rest of the night picking his brain and wondering just exactly how - when it seemed the whole rest of the world knew even before Betty and Jughead did - that Archie missed every single sign?

As they shuffled from place to place, someone would ask, oh, something like-

"What did you think when both of us vanished from the dining table for like twenty minutes?" (From Jughead.)

"I dunno, that life is full of coincidences?"

Or, when they were finding their seats to watch Josie-

"That week where I thought Juggie was dating Sabrina and I was in an awful mood?" (From Betty).

"I guessed that maybe you and Sweet Pea were fighting. Didn't put the two together."

And finally, as they were grabbing their coats to head home.

"Hon, the entire pool scenario. What did you think I was doing?" (Veronica, with a hint of exasperation.)

"Trying to give us a nice and exciting break, I guess I just-,"

It was clear Archie was getting a bit aggravated by the surprised sighs and incredulous questions, so they let him off the hook.

The last thing he said as they dropped Betty and Jughead off at their apartment was said with a wide grin.

"I'm really happy for you two. Like, properly happy," He sniffled, "I feel like my brother and my sister grew up and decided to fuck each other."

Jughead placed his hand on Archie's shoulder.

"I get the sentiments, bud, but that's really creepy. Please, oh please, never say that again."

"What he means," Veronica cut in smoothly, "Is that he's supporting both of you. As I am. Don't stay up too late tonight, kiddos. Au revoir!"

The limo pulled away as she threw a kiss.

"Oh, like she's not going to be doing the exact same thing," Jughead grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

Betty leaned up, kissing him softly, "Jug, let's not think of Veronica and Archie right now, or the rest of the night."

So, they didn't.


Near the end of April, the college had a three-day weekend, due to the main campus being used for some bit event. While it meant most of the kids would be having parties and shuffling around New York, Betty should have known that Veronica was not going to let something so casual happen to her friends.

"Daddy is sending Andre with the jeep and we're going up to Lodge Lodge," She said on the Monday before the break.

Jughead, sitting with his arm slung over Betty's shoulder, snorted, "I like how she never asks if we'd like to do things. Jughead, would you like to go upstate for a weekend? Gee, I think I would. No, she's rather attached to telling us what to do. Thinks she gets off on it?" Jughead whispered in Betty's ear.

Betty kicked his shin, "Sounds fantastic, Veronica!" Because it did. Betty had never seen Lodge Lodge in person, but she'd heard about it. She was sure it wasn't your regular old hunting lodge, but probably closer to a Taj Mahal in the middle of woods.

The trip up on Thursday evening was about three hours, filled with people fighting over the AUX cord. It was only when Betty suggested they each take half-an-hour turns that people begrudgingly allowed this. As it turned out (but, unsurprisingly) everyone's music tastes were wildly different. Betty also suggested the rule that they would have three minutes to criticize tastes, and then it was done because otherwise, it would be a very miserable trip.

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