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"Think it will snow soon?"

Jughead and Betty were walking back to their apartment in mid-November, a week before Thanksgiving break. Betty, who had been checking off her assignments in her brain, startled.


"Snow?" Jughead prompted, "Though, here in the city, it will probably be gross and sludgy anyway."

"You're asking me...about the weather?" Betty asked with a confused frown.

"Am I speaking German?"

" just hate talking about stupid things like the weather," Betty commented.

"Well, not with you, I guess," Jughead said, suddenly sounding uncertain. He managed to recover quickly, "Is there something else you'd rather talk about?"

Betty hesitated. There had been the growing thought in the back of her mind since their last coupon, one she just had never found the right segue into.

So yes, she actually did, but she was pretty sure it was going to be a wild switch of topic.


"You sound very unsure about that, Cooper," Jughead said, pulling his hat over his hears and wrapping his gray plaid scarf around his frost-bitten nose.

"I wanted to talk about our sexual histories," Betty came out with it, crossing her arms, "I feel like we probably should."

Jughead stumbled as he walked a bit. He snorted.

"Way to dive into something."

"We don't have-,"

"No, it's fine, Betty," Jughead insisted, "We probably should, you're right. I was just looking for a little more of a...casual conversation. Like how Veronica and Archie are totally gross and kissy-kissy and way too lovey-dovey or your opinion on gun control."

"Gun control is a casual conversation?"

"It's less intense than our sexual histories," Jughead said, grinning to her, "But, I kid. We'll do it. Maybe just not walking through New York City. I know, I know...who's gunna care? Still, it's not exactly polite sidewalk talk."

Betty could not disagree there. They were steps away from their apartment anyway, having decided to just pick up some Chinese after class. Betty found something with far less baggage to discuss in the meantime (a new movie that had just come out. Always a safe topic between the pair of them) until they managed to get up to their apartment, set out the feast, and start to dig in.

Jughead brought it up first, which was a relief.

"So," He said, waving his fork around. He was awful with chopsticks and refused to learn, "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I know from the party you're not a virgin..." Betty paused, unsure how to continue, "How many? And when?"

"That surprise you?" Jughead asked, grinning, enjoying how she squirmed a bit.

"Yeah, to be honest."

"Well?" He popped a wonton in his mouth, "Me too. I didn't touch girls in high school, or rather, they didn't touch me. I was weird. I am weird." He restated, touching his hat.

"I don't think you're weird." Betty scoffed.

"You're just lying, but I appreciate it," Jughead said with a self-assured shrug, "Point being, it wasn't until Freshman in college. Arch. He helped me, as he does. Didn't know names, it was just a few tinder hookups he got for me. So, I'm a newly not a virgin, I suppose. Haven't done a whole ton else. Like I said, it wasn't like there were secret liaisons under the bleachers."

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