▎ end

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"Yoongi hyung!!!!!!" Jimin calls out,holding the picnic basket in his arms

"What.." Yoongi's husky voice reaches the other end of the door

"We have to go. Come on or-"

"You better wake your sleepy little ass and get yourself together. We've been hovering on your door for nobody know how long just to keep saying wake up. You better pack your things,take a bath,wear your clothes and eat the food I cooked for you. I will count for 15 minutes and let me tell you if you don't move your ass that moss will grow on you I will really kill you. You better be done with everything before I slam this door open and slap the brains out of you" Jin finishes,his face red from all the rapping he did.

"Y-yeah.. That was what I m-meant.." Jimin mumbles

"Yeah.. Yeah. I'm done.." Yoongi walks out of the room with a toothbrush on his mouth.

"Geez,what's with the morning attitude?" he debates,saying good morning to everyone he walks by

"He's just scared.. That we'll be late for another picnic he set."

"But can we just have it here? In the cabin? Why does it have to be outside?"

"I heard that yoongi." Jin walks to him "And a thank you for doing this all year round would be nice to hear"

"Thank you?"

"you're welcome"

"Whatever" Yoongi playfully said. Strolling to the table with food

"Oh,you can eat..." Hoseok teases "I thought all you could do is sleep."

"what's with everyone trying to ruin my mood?" He shrieked whilst eating the garlic bread.

"Jungkook made a bet" Hoseok reaches for the sandwich

"What bet?"

"Not that important"

"What kind of bet?"

"It's really nothing"

"If you don't tell me, I wi-"

"Never use that demanding tone on me yoongi. Fine.. Fine.. I'll tell you" Hoseok shivers before continuing "He made a bet to who can ruin your mornings and if who ever has the most points can have his Xbox."

"Did he really say that?"


"So all this... From jimin waking me up so damn early,jin hyung scolding me with his rapping,taehyung taking my kumamon away from me at night,namjoon hyung setting my alarm clock at 5 when it was supposed to be 10 and you ruining my breakfast is all his doing?"

I'm dead meat. Hoseok thought looking at the man with clenching jaws.

"Jeon Jungkook!!!!!"

"Yes hyung?" The young boy who seemed to be in a good mood smiled his heart out.

He glances at yoongi and back at hoseok's terrorized expression


"You are so dead Jeon!" Yoongi takes the bacon in his mouth before running to jungkook who was on his way to the front.

"How could you make a freaking bet on me!!" He said right across the couch that jungkook swiftly moved

"Hehe.. That was uhm- It was.."

"Yeah right jeon. If I ever get my hands on you I will really kill you!"

"Hyung.. It was suppose to be a joke. Come on" jungkook avoids the older's moves. Running to the door.

PARK JIMIN 。parallelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum