1 / Wow Im Not Crazy

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"Get the fuck up Blanca!"

I knew Zelda would waltz in after awhile to wake me.

"Okay, okay, why do I have to get up again. Hmm..."

In all honesty I didnt want her to answer. I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Umm did you not remember?" I shook my head faster than expected so I could get this over with.

She sighed at my response. "You forgot," she said "as usual." I happened to be offended at this, even though I knew she was right.

"Today is the, one and only, fall festival baby!" She said with much excitement as I lie listening.

"Cool have fun. Now get out so I can sleep!" I ran towards the doorway and kicked her out. Finalizing it by slamming the door and locking it.

"Oh come on Blanca, have some fun, get out, meet people!" She said through the door. I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didnt say yes.

"Fine." I agreed and opened the door. "On one condition though. I will not go shopping with you, I will not pay for the outfit, and you cannot leave me in the middle of the party for your girlfriend." She stood there in disbelief.

"Sure Blanca, whatever you say." Then she left to her room I guess. I myself went to my bed.


I got up with my head aching. Fuck, I thought, what time is it. I turned on my phone, looked at the time. It was ten thirty! I ran out of my room to find Zelda on her phone. She threw some clothes at me. Looked me dead in the eye. I went to go get dressed, and she went back to eyeing her phone.

I put on the clothes, god why did I let her pick the outfit.

I had combat boots with some sort of metal on them, a crop top that went right above my stomach, it said bitch on it, and booty shorts. They were so short if I ripped them I'm pretty sure they would show some stuff I didnt want people seeing. I had hoop earrings to almost my shoulder. I put my hair in a high ponytail and walked out of my room.

I looked like a literal thot.

Zelda complimented me with a smirk. God.

She was wearing a high neck crop top, booty shorts, with fishnets, and knee high boots. I thought she pulled off her outfit way more than me.

Zelda was tall, dark skinned and all around gorgeous. She had frizzy hair, thin eyes, large curves, and she was six feet tall. I wished I looked like her.

"Hold on let me grab my keys." She said and went to the kitchen. She came back and we left our two bedroom apartment. As we got in the car I realized it was going to be eleven already.

"ZELDA its already eleven it's to late to even show up!" She laughed at my comment.

"Jeez blanca the party probably just started. Your so innocent." She told me.

What was that supposed to mean?

She turned on the car and music started blasting my eardrums. WTF!

"Sorry," she told me and turned it down. "I was listening to punk."

I shrugged and changed the station to 70's, I dont think Zelda really even noticed.

As we got to what I think was a fertirnety house she looked me dead in the eye. "Blanca I know I said I would stay at your side," I knew what she said next, i knew i would regret coming here.

"Dont even mention it." I ran out of the car and went inside. Music blasted, there was sweaty bodies everywhere, and it reaked of weed and alchohol.

I hated college parties. I walked over to a bar and grabbed diet coke and rum. I went to a corner and sat. I saw people make out and party uncontrollably. I sat getting drunk in my sorrows. That's when I saw Zelda.

She was making out with Leila. Sitting on a couch, which probably has stains on it, making out. Sometimes I hope they end having a good life. Sometimes i think about murdering them in their sleep.

I guess I was staring cause a dude came up to me and said "Want a piece of that action, huh, dont we all." And left. Never in my life have i been more uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel as if I'm crazy.

I got up. I knew I was going to do something I regretted later. I went to the middle of the house and started dancing with the closest people around me.

It was two dudes and one female. We all lost it. I was having the time of my life. All of a sudden Zelda taps on my shoulder. I turn.

"What are you doing! Blanca! Can you here me!" Oh i heard her loud and clear, even over the music. I simply did not answer. Instead I went back to dancing with the people.

I heard her speak once more.

"Come on Blanca, I dont think it was a good idea to bring you here." She told me. Why though? Why did she have to put me down? I was having fun for the first time in awhile! I felt amazing! There was blood rushing in me!

"Zelda I'm not leaving! You're just jealous!" I told her that. I had no idea what was going on with me but all I know is that I liked it. I liked feeling this way. Exhilarating.

"Blanca I'm leaving now and you are coming with me!" Why was she talking like this? All I knew is that I had this sudden urge to kiss someone. To go crazy.

Then i did the unexpected. I kissed my best friend. She pulled away instantly, in disgust. I stared at her in disbelief. Not knowing what to do, in shock of myself.

All she did was stand there, for how long I have no idea. All i know is I wanted to do it again. Instead of putting myself through the pain of kissing her, I went to someone else.

I started kissing one of the dudes i was dancing with.

"My names Dante." He told me. He was a thin, tall dude with dreads. Instead of answering I keep kissing him. Forcing my tongue in immediately. Eventually I said my name.

"Blanca." I replied. I knew I would regret the rest of what was going to happen that night.

But in that moment I had no shame, no fear, I finally free, or so I thought. Little did I know I was just drowning in myself, my own denial.

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