5 / Am I Pretty?

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I look at Zelda to see her concerned but supportive face staring at the man beside me. "So Blanca who's this, and what is his purpose of being here?" I didnt know wheater or not to tell her the truth, or just take Ty and run.

I look at ty and he looks at me. I think we have the same idea, at least I hope we do.

I'm holding Ty's hand and run out the door and down the stairs and I think to go to the nearest, I dont know, place? After getting down the stairs I run face first into the chest of Ryan. Ty stops abruptly and looks into the eyes of Ryan, who at the moment cannot be happy.

"Ty get in the damn car." I could tell that Ryan was serious as fuck, and if Ty disobeyed him, hell would rise. Then in the bright outdoor lights I saw Ty shake his head no. Then I looked to Ryan go from mad to furious, and all I could think was how this was my fault.

"Ty get in the goddamn car now! Before I fucking make you!" It was like a fire growing more and more, waiting to take over and burn whatever comes in its path. I could tell Ty knew if he didnt listen to his "love" he would be in a world of pain.

"Ok Ryan." Ty said in the calmest voice, but trembling at ever noise heard elsewhere. After watching Ty get into his boyfriends car I looked to Ryan, only to see him staring at me with an upset, raging look of disgust.

"Litsen here you stealing bitch! I dont give a fuck about what you think you have! You have nothing! So dont even think about ever talking or meeting Ty AGAIN! You here me?" He was so close to my face I could do nothing but nod. He then turned and got into the driver seat of his car.

He drove away and I had nothing left to do with my life at the moment. I was so angry but disappointed in myself so much for letting Ty get away from my grasp of love. I sat on the stairs that lead to my apartment and cried.

I sat thinking of how Ty must be in pain with Ryan, how Ryan called him Ty and it wasnt just me, and how much I wanted to hug Ty right now. I realized I haven't even hugged him yet, I wanted someone to be with so much right now.

And at that moment I got my wish. I was startled to feel Zelda appear behind me and hug me from the stair step above. After a few seconds I decided to free from her grasp and turn to look at her.

She was so much more beautiful in color. She had dark chocolate skin with patches of different tones of tan, and dark brown, frizzy hair that looked even better with color. She had grey sweatpants and a string tank top on that looked like red, I think.

I took her hand and went upstairs to our apartment. I walked in and was exposed to such a colorful place. The floor was dark but not black, and there were colored accents everywhere. From the rug, to cups in the sink, to a tiny washcloth hanging on the oven.

Zelda pushed me to the towards the hallway. I didnt know what she meant but then I knew. I ran to the bathroom running into the doorway on the way.

I looked right into the mirror...and was shocked at what I saw. I cried making my already puffy eyes worse. I grabbed a paper towel wiping under my eyes and opening them wide to make sure I saw correctly.

I had eyes as green as emerald jem's, and a skin tone that was a light brown with a hint of olive. I felt pretty, but I  was not sure, as I thought this Zelda and Leila appeared behind me and Zelda said,"Blanca you never thought this entire time that you are indeed beautiful. Do you think differently now that you can see yourself clearly in color?"

I cried while looking in the mirror. Am I pretty? I had no answer.

A/N I am sorry for the short update I have been stressed lately, and I wanna thank people who have been with me through this comic. Also I wish all of you luck to a late new year #2020

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