3 / Something for your M.I.N.D

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I wake up to my eyes burning, and my stomach curdling.I run towards the bathroom. Aim for the toilet and I slightly miss. Fuck. I realize that I will have to clean that up later.

I am glad that I have my own bathroom in my room, because if I didnt I couldn't handle Zelda yelling at me for missing.

I walk back towards my bed. I decide I am not going to class today due to my "illness." I look at my phone as I lay down.

I realize I dont even have class today, its sunday.

I then look at the time, oh god, it's almost 10 a.m., that means Zelda will wake at any minut-

I hear her alarm go off losing my thought.

"Blanca...umm...are you okay? I'm getting pretty worried about your health." I heard speak from the other side of my door.

I dont answer wanting her to go away, then again when do I ever get what I want.

I no longer heard any noise from the outside of my door. I went to go open it, hoping no one would be there.

To my surprise Zelda stood there with a concerned look on her face, and walked right on into my room. She sat on my bed in confusion. I saw all of last night in her face, I wanted her to leave right now.

"So Zelda are you gonna leave or something, because I'm really uncomfortable right now and I dont wanna talk about last night." She still just sat there like I had said nothing.

I had to get her out of here we could deal with our own emotions."Zelda I'm still waiting for you to-"

"You cant telk me to leave or that your uncomfortable, you put me in distress. You kissed me for I have no reason why you did. Also because of you me and Leila are on a break, so you cant tell me anything." Zelda said in such a monotone voice, but what I didn't understand was why they were on a break.

"Why are yall on a break? Yall are soulmates that makes no sense!" I asked wondering why, there was no point they would eventually just get back together.

"It was mutual why we broke up. We agreed that I had to figure everything out with you before we could be content with each other. It was for the best." I could here Zeldas voice trembling and her holding in tears.

I walked over to the bed and sat next to her. I squeezed her with all my might and being as short as I am that's not alot. I suddenly realized why I had kissed her.

"Zelda.... I kissed you because I think you are the only person that i have ever really loved. Not necessarily in a sexual way, a friendship way, or a family way. I just love you, that's all I can explain." I told her this because it was true I loved her so much and she was the only one that I loved.

Zelda was full on crying now which made me shed a few tears, now that I think about it I haven't cried in awhile. We sit in our sadness, then after awhile we have no more tears.

We were in such stress from the past few months we had all of that in us. We had been fighting and fighting for sometime now and we cleared it in one big cry.

Zelda then spoke up."Hey Blanca I'm gonna go to Leilas and tell her we cleared everything up and that her and i can be together. Is that ok?" Yes, yes it's ok because little did she know I had plans.

"Yeah Zelda it's fine I have to do something anyways." She looked at me in unbelievable amazement which I get.

"What are you going to do?" I couldn't tell her the truth that I have heard of this party at another frat house so I have to lie.

"I have to go to the mall I'm gonna buy some pajamas and a pair of Van's. I have been needing a new pair and I wanna venture out and buy my own things." I told her which I actually have to do but I have bigger plans.

"Oh wow Blanca I'm really proud of you for taking the initiative!" I was also proud of myself for this new found excitement in partying and drinking.

Zelda then told me that she was heading out and she left leaving me alone. I then realized I had no car, no ride to go anywhere I panic. I then realize if I can find my phone I can get Zelda to give me Ryan's number.

I look everywhere I then find it on the countertop in the kitchen i grab it and thank god its charged. Zelda must've charged it. I text her saying if I can have Ryan's number she gives it to but asks why.

Fuck, I tell her it's because I'm going to ask him to give me a ride which actually isn't a lie.

I then call Ryan, our conversation isn't long.

Ryan• Ummm who is this?

Me• Its Blanca, but before you say anything I need a ride to the nearest mall.......Hello.

Ryan•Ok I will take you but why do you need to go?

Me•I need to get an outfit for that big party tonight.

Ryan•Ok I will be there in like twenty minutes just wait.

Me•Ok I'm waiting.

The conversation ended abrupt, but in less than no time Ryan showed up. He seemed ok after our conversation from last night.

"Blanca I need to ask, do you happen to know anyone by the name of Tiberius William's the third?" I had a feeling the answer to this was why he agreed to take me to the mall.

"No I have never heard that name in my life, or at least i dont think so." I legit had a feeling I knew that name but  I definitely knew no person with that name.

"Ok I wanted to make sure." I wondered why but I had no need to ask, so I instead kept quiet. We eventually arrived to the mall and Ryan decided to go shopping just at different stores.

We were both going shopping for the party tonight. I went to forever 21 and H&M, at both stores I got a lady who worked there to help me. At the Forever 21 the worker picked out these "rainbow camo" pants that were actually pretty comfortable.

At H&M the lady picked out a navy top that was basically a bikini strap top. She also picked out some scrunchies that way I could put my hair in space buns. I thought I looked really cool after the outfit was on. I also just wore my combat boots because I felt they went along well.

Ryan took me to the party, he told me I looked cool while I thought he looked average, but I told him he looked nice. I went in there was flashing lights everywhere.

There was drinking and dancing and just everything at once. Everything was just something for someone's mind, it was exotic. I was prepared to feel everything at once, all the stuff I thought my mind couldn't handle.

I just had no idea what the consequences would be, but I was in my moment so I did not care what so ever.

My mind was limitless.

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