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"hot" i whispered as i hold the pot's handle with both of my hands, i stormed out of the kitchen and made sure to leave no trace of soup drops on the floor, i got to the room where both of you and your closest people are having fun

"oh wait i forgot the juice" i halted their surprised expression and i smiled at you, i quickly went to the kitchen and took the juice on the fridge, all happy thoughts in my head making me giggle at excitement

one wall apart where the door was standing still, i eavesdrop on the voices on the room where i was supposed to be "i thought the person that you really like is his collegue"

"yes, but he didn't like me at all, that's a fact"

"well then why settle with him for months now?"

i was secretly waiting for a response my whole body could listen to, "kasi siya yung andito" my world responded in her native language

a bitter smile formed from ear to ear as invisible tears streamed down my face, my heart is crying.

sometimes we're being picked just because we're the ones that are here, we're being loved by those because we are the only option that they have left, and we have never been first, we're just second above all choices.

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