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heared the cry of the thousands
from a very famous group of islands,
where free will somewhat turned to greed
and money is the root of evil seed,

group of people given with same power
most turned themselves in from the hunger,
of neglection and materialistic measure
are them who are tasked to be the rulers,

the father of the said island tried his best
never hesitates to aid the need of the rest,
but then his people faced him with defiance
out on the street they formed their alliance,

nada of truth and a handful of sham
where opinionating wrong is labeled as glam,
reason why the country has a lot to ban
the end is always settled, dictated with gun,

social media driven, narrow minded people
respect is becoming less, pride is never humble,
insensitive voices to speak and caring less
to whom their gonna hurt or if it brings mess,

dirtiest hands of clean intentions with least priority
people who wear suits with secrecy are the VIPs,
that for this island we don't have our own kennedy
selfishness and greed that brings no clear remedy,

people of their own country perform act of heist
to feed the empty stomach with enough plate of rice,
ill-mannered most and confusion of truth and lies
i'm afraid an out of reach peace has always been the price.

ps. bear with errors.

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