Chapter 1

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Have you ever had the feeling that your entire world is breaking down? 

I have, right now. Because they just told me that I only have 4 months left to live. 

My name is Jane Cross, I'm 17 years old.

And this is my story.

- 3 months ago

"Jane! Are you coming? We're gonna be late for school if you don't hurry up." Is being yelled at me by Ben, brown hair, blue eyes, my best friend since third grade. But also my crush since third grade. "I'm coming!" I yell back. I grab my bag and coat and run outside. Ben is leaning against his car, gives me a once-over and says: "Took you long enough." He grins, turns around and walks to the drivers' side. I stick my tongue out to him and walk to my side of the car. When we're both seated, Ben starts the car and drives to school.

It's pretty quiet outside the school, we see our other two friends, James, a blond-haired guy,  and Megan, my best friends since kindergarten, in the distance. When I start walking a wave of nausea overcomes me. I place my hand on a nearby tree to regain my composure but I'm just getting dizzier by the second. I try to call out to someone but my vision goes black and I feel myself falling to the ground. The last things I hear are my friends calling my name and running over to me. 

- The Hospital, 2 hours later

Well, here I am in a hospital bed dressed in some weird gown. My parents at my side and my friends outside. They did blood tests and expect the result within two hours. It's been one and a half hour now, so they'll come very soon. I just want to get out of here. There is nothing wrong with me, I just forgot my breakfast this morning and it caught up with me. I don't see why they need to take my blood to state that I fainted because I didn't eat. 

"Jane, I've got the results of your blood tests." The doctor says while walking in. "I just didn't eat enough, I know. I'll eat my breakfast each morning from now on, I promise." I say to him. He looks me in the eyes and says: "Jane, the fainting wasn't caused by you not eating your breakfast. We don't know exactly what it is, but I want to run some more tests on you." From the moment he finished his sentence I start to panic, what the hell could have caused my fainting? Some disease, cancer? I snap back to reality when I feel someone touch my arm. I look up and find my mom. She looks me in the eyes and smiles, which makes me relax. 

"Let's do it." I say, with a lot of fake confidence.

- 2 hours later

Still in the hospital, on my bed, no hospital gown luckily. I was allowed to put my clothes back on. My friends are in the room too now. We're all laughing until the doctor walks in with a grim expression on his face. I stand up and say: "Just give me the bad news." He puts away his papers and says: "You have leukemia." "What...." I manage to bring out. 

"You have leukemia, we can treat you here. But there is no guarantee it will work. Do you want to start the treatment?" I turn around and look everybody in the eyes one by one, to get their approval. "When can the treatment start?" My mom asks. "Next week, and it will consist out of 3 months of chemo." I swallow hard before saying: "Let's do it."

- 3 months later

We're back at the hospital to hear if the chemo worked. I lost my hair, all of it in less than a month, so I hope it did. 

Me, my mom and my dad are waiting for the doctor to call us in. I'm very nervous and my hands are shaking like crazy, I can't even hold my phone. My mom and dad wrap their hands around mine, we stay like this until the doctor calls us in. 

When we've all taken our seat the doctor starts: "I got the results of your latest tests, I looked them over and...." He falls silent, and I don't like it when he falls silent because then he brings bad news. "It didn't work, right? The everlasting chemo of the last three months didn't work and now I'm gonna die, right? That's what you were gonna say." Everybody stays silent after my small outburst until the doctor clears his throat and says: "You're right Jane, I wish you weren't but.. the chemo just didn't work. I'm sorry." I hold back tears when I ask: "How long do I have?" 

"Four months, six tops." 

I can't answer, I can't move. I just feel one single tear roll down my cheek before I run out of the room. I need fresh air, right now.

I find a door to the garden. I push the door open and scream... just scream until I break down in tears. Why did this happen to me, why? I had my whole life ahead of me, and now that future life is just ripped away from me like it's nothing. I place myself against the wall, I bury my head in my hands and just cry. Until there is not a single tear left. 

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